Easiest way to boost my temps - plastic viv.


New Member

I currently have my gecko in a large faunarium, with a habistat 12watt heat mat under half the tank.

My gecko has stopped being as active as much during the days and eating less over the last week or two as it's got colder, and my temp drops to just over 80 in the day (when my heating in the house is off and he is in the cold side in his hide anyway). When the heating in the house is on (all night) its just about getting to 88ish.

Now I know this isn't quite hot enough, and I'm unsure of how to get the temps up... Would a thermostat help? Surely the mat runs at full power all the time anyway (I'll admit that I am unsure how thermostats work, does the power of the mat plug into the thermostat which in turn plugs into the wall?)?

I'm cautious about a lamp in a plastic tank - I don't really fancy having a melting situation.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
A thermostat won't help in your case, as the heat mat is currently running at full power. Is there any way you can upgrade to a glass tank? Ten gallon tanks only cost $10-12 new, and you can probably find one cheaper on craigslist.


New Member
Potentially come the New Year that could be viable - he is off to stay with a friend at the end of next week till the new year (who knows, her house may be hotter) I would rather not tell her she now has to take a heavy glass tank instead of the light plastic.

Any quick fixes? I guess I could look for a mat with a higher wattage + thermostat?

If not, I will have to go hunt out a cheapy glass one :)

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