eastern grey frog... help on habitat...


New Member
Delaware, USA
ok so last night, after spray painting my new leo foam background, we found a tree frog on the side of our sliding glass door. brought him in and looked him up. its a cute tiny baby eastern grey treefrog. my daughter asked if she could keep it, i said sure. right now hes in a 5 gallon tank, with some Green Spagnum Moss, a coconut shell, a plastic dish of water, and some branches.

i read online that the ideal habitat would be half water half land. how do i do this in a tank? i dont mind buying a bigger set up.

also, is it possible to have more then one species of tree frog living in the same enviornment as long as they are the same sizes?

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
The easiest way would be to silicone a glass divider in place, or you could go for a more complex system with a false bottom if you want to incorporate something like a stream or a waterfall. If you really want to keep it simple just use a large water dish. What do you plan to use as a permanent home? I suggest a 20 gallon aquarium or equivalent as the minimum size. Mixing species is generally a bad idea, it is much easier to tailor the environment to the needs of one species rather than two or more, especially in a small tank.


New Member
Delaware, USA
i really like the idea of a water fall n fogger. i dont know how it should be done tho. i would like some live plants in there also. im good at diy's but i really need a step by step, with actual brand names of pet safe products. i wouldnt mind going 40 tall. i would really like something similar to Exo Terra Glass Terrarium set ups. would be easier to care for them with a front opening tank

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