Eating Habits


Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
I have recently purchased 2 leo juveniles. Curious about their eating. They are eating well I am just worried too well. Between the 2 of them and I don't count which eats more they go through about 10-20 crickets and 15 Mealies in a day. Is this too much? I know they are growing and will eat daily. Funny thing is the smaller of the 2 is the one I see eating the most. I think the other is sneaking out when no one is around be cause he is getting big faster than the other.


Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
I wouldn't advise housing them together if they're different sizes. The larger of the two could easily bully the other one out of food.


That is not a problem at all they were both the same size at purchase. They are both very healthy one is just growing faster than the other. The smaller of the 2 is the more aggressive when it comes to eating he is out and about 7-10 crickets in under 5 minutes right now!


New Member
Do you know the sex of both for sure? I'm thinking no matter what they are, male or female the one is gorging itself because he realizes your other gecko is competing for the same food. If they are both males, they could fight at anytime. Even male's/females and females/females can fight and get territorial/competitive. I would keep a close eye. That could be a recipe for dropped tales and hurt/dead gecko's


Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
Do you know the sex of both for sure? I'm thinking no matter what they are, male or female the one is gorging itself because he realizes your other gecko is competing for the same food. If they are both males, they could fight at anytime. Even male's/females and females/females can fight and get territorial/competitive. I would keep a close eye. That could be a recipe for dropped tales and hurt/dead gecko's

They aren't aggressive towards each other at all they are still laying together. It is the larger one that just stays in the hide most of the time. They both have their own hides the tank is large enough for territory purposes and they are still quite young. They will definitely be watched I am just curious about the amounts of food that I am going through a day and if you can over feed them. Everything I have research and read just say they stop eating when they are full and that when they are this young they eat everyday. I should take a picture to show you the size difference it isn't that great I am just noticing one is growing faster than the other.


New Member
NE Ohio
They look about the same size to me. maybe it's just me. But I would make sure that each is eating his/her fair share. As to the amount of food you posted above it does not seem excessive to me.


Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
They look about the same size to me. maybe it's just me. But I would make sure that each is eating his/her fair share. As to the amount of food you posted above it does not seem excessive to me.

Thanks and they aren't massively different in size. I just noticed one was slightly larger. I bought them together and they were the same size. One shed 2 days after I got them and now seems to be growing a slight bit more than the other. Bigger head etc. I am not really concerned about aggression as of right now there is none being shown. Was just concerned about food intake being too much so thanks!

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Thanks and they aren't massively different in size. I just noticed one was slightly larger. I bought them together and they were the same size. One shed 2 days after I got them and now seems to be growing a slight bit more than the other. Bigger head etc. I am not really concerned about aggression as of right now there is none being shown. Was just concerned about food intake being too much so thanks!
Nah, food intake is fine. But if they were different sizes and aren't now, I'd be a bit concerned that one's getting more food than the other. Many people don't see anything wrong until they find a bite mark on one of their leos - not that that will happen here; I'm just saying that the fact that you don't see any bullying/aggression/uneven food intake, that doesn't necessarily mean it's not happening. And make sure you have another setup prepared for when they get old enough to sex (about four months old), because if they end up being two males or one male and one female, they'll definitely need separated.


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