eclipse eye theories


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I know quite a few of us believe that the eclipse gene is connected to the stripe/rev stripe/jungle/prs (non raptor) genes. So, not counting blizzards does anyone have any other theories about how the eclipse gene is popping up in our leos?
I'm asking because some of you have posted leos with eclipse/ruby eyes that aren't connected to raptor genes-and I'm curiouse what your theory on it is.
Has this been asked already-I can't find it, only the discussion about the tremper eclipse that turned into a stripe debate.


New Member
boutiquegecko said:
I know quite a few of us believe that the eclipse gene is connected to the stripe/rev stripe/jungle/prs (non raptor) genes. So, not counting blizzards does anyone have any other theories about how the eclipse gene is popping up in our leos?
I'm asking because some of you have posted leos with eclipse/ruby eyes that aren't connected to raptor genes-and I'm curiouse what your theory on it is.
Has this been asked already-I can't find it, only the discussion about the tremper eclipse that turned into a stripe debate.

I think RT just in the jack pot with the eclipse gene the striped/reverse striped/patternless striped,Has nothing to do with the eclipse gene it just poped up in RT breeding stock so there for will always be conected to the APTOR blood if it link to the striped combo thing why has no one got bell or rainwater/vagas eclipse eyes would't it be as simple as taking a reverse striped and a striped het bell or vagas with no tremper eclipse blood getting all het eclipse offsping then back breeding for the eclipse ? if its that simple ever one can make one from scrach can't they ??.


New Member
Seminole, Fl
But don't super snows have eclipse eyes? Or are they just all black? I was looking at Alby's comparison on the snows. If they are eclipse aren't they different then than the tremper eclipse? I didn't think there were any tremper genes in the macks to cause this.

bro paul
Atlanta, GA
It seems like the "eclipse" eye trait has popped up in a lot of unexpected places...but, as to where it's come from ??? you're guess is as good as mine at this point. Maybe someday we'll know a little more (hopefully).

"For the Gecko Eccentric"
I think RT just in the jack pot with the eclipse gene the striped/reverse striped/patternless striped,Has nothing to do with the eclipse gene it just poped up in RT breeding stock so there for will always be conected to the APTOR blood if it link to the striped combo thing why has no one got bell or rainwater/vagas eclipse eyes would't it be as simple as taking a reverse striped and a striped het bell or vagas with no tremper eclipse blood getting all het eclipse offsping then back breeding for the eclipse ? if its that simple ever one can make one from scrach can't they ??.
Gazz, you really need to know what you are talking about before making these types of posts.:main_rolleyes: Reverse Stripe X Raining Red Stripe breedings have been done, but there is allready some type of eye mutation on a few RW`s. There are not any Reverse Stripe Bells just yet. The Bells are behind a little bit, but who is to say, if it will be the same.

Have you seen any "Patternless Stripe" Bells or Rainwaters yet? I have`nt, so I would not dare make a post like the one above. Others are paying attention to you, pay attention to the way you write things, please. You post sometimes as if you know things, that you do not. It can be misleading to someone who reads it that way.:main_yes:

You answer your own question above in saying
will always be conected to the APTOR blood if it link to the striped combo thing why has no one got bell or rainwater/vagas eclipse eyes would't it be as simple as taking a reverse striped and a striped het bell or vagas with no tremper eclipse blood getting all het eclipse offsping then back breeding for the eclipse ?
...because noone is quite that far along in the project.
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New Member
Seminole, Fl
Dan, I'm one of the breeders who does believe it's related to the pattern genes.
But the ss has me stumped at the moment-they are eclipse eyes?
So somewhere in the parents there is the pattern gene or did it just pop up in that morph?
I'll look around a little more on the ss and parents-can anyone lend thier input on the parents of thier ss and are they patterned/carry pattern gene?
Also I've lost track of all the enigma pics I've looked at-have any of them eclipse eyes that were not bred to any tremper gene or blizzard?


Bells Rule!
The solid eyes of Super Snows may be similar and I think it "unlocks" (LOL) the solid eye gene in Blizzards. We're seeing lots of solid eye MS Blizzards from normal eyed parents. It'd also help make sense of the Snake Eyed MS het Blizzard I hatched last year...

On a related note, Kelli's Snake Eyed Mack Snow was het Raptor... Maybe the Eclipse/Raptor genes work the same as the Blizzard solid eye gene when crossed with Macks?


New Member
UK said:
Gazz, you really need to know what you are talking about before making these types of posts.:main_rolleyes: Reverse Stripe X Raining Red Stripe breedings have been done, but there is allready some type of eye mutation on a few RW`s. There are not any Reverse Stripe Bells just yet. The Bells are behind a little bit, but who is to say, if it will be the same.

Have you seen any "Patternless Stripe" Bells or Rainwaters yet? I have`nt, so I would not dare make a post like the one above. Others are paying attention to you, pay attention to the way you write things, please. You post sometimes as if you know things, that you do not. It can be misleading to someone who reads it that way.:main_yes:

You answer your own question above in saying...because noone is quite that far along in the project.

It just happens to be in the APTOR line i very much doutb it's directly link to patternless striped this is show'n by the fact you get banded and jungle with tremper eclipse eyes this to me say's the patternless stripe and eclipse aren't directly linked they just happened to be in the same place at the same time.Not like the mack super snow that back eye is directly linked to the mack super snow as is't only seen on the mack super snow i've not see it bleed into the mack snow or any other mack super snow offspring as of yet so it true to form and to the mack super snow only.If tremper eclipse was link solely to the patternless striped it would only show in the patternless stripe but it pops up ever where simplely coz it's a seperate gene (recsseive) not like the pattenless stripe that seems to be a combo clash of reverse striped and striped (not rescessive) or it would be APTOR X APTOR would = 100% APTOR and it dosen't.Tremper eclipse happens to be in the APTOR line i doutb made by the APTOR.I'll beleave it's linked when i see a standed NON eclipse bloodline that never fed into eclipse blood non albino reverse stripe X non albino stripe resulting in a eclipse.

As to the reverse stripe X raining red stripe eye thing it's all very well having some type of eye mutation going on but is it eclipse that the point :main_thumbsup: .


New Member
420Geckos said:
the solid eye gene in Blizzards. We're seeing lots of solid eye MS Blizzards from normal eyed parents. QUOTE]

I'm thinking a type of dominant ?? the dad to my blizzard eclipse possiblle mack ?? and blizzard partial a blazing blizzard and in one eye i have notist he has a slite fracion of eclipse going on in the iris so it's in him at least.

bro paul
Atlanta, GA
I had a snake-eye mack snow bell hatch out earlier this season. The eye is now totally red. I've seen a picture of an enigma with a snake eye.

"For the Gecko Eccentric"
Dan, I'm one of the breeders who does believe it's related to the pattern genes.
But the ss has me stumped at the moment-they are eclipse eyes?
So somewhere in the parents there is the pattern gene or did it just pop up in that morph?
I'll look around a little more on the ss and parents-can anyone lend thier input on the parents of thier ss and are they patterned/carry pattern gene?
Also I've lost track of all the enigma pics I've looked at-have any of them eclipse eyes that were not bred to any tremper gene or blizzard?

What I meant was the "Eclipse" mutation, there is only one. SS, Blizzard, Enigma, have different eyes, there are not true "Eclipse".

It just happens to be in the APTOR line i very much doutb it's directly link to patternless striped this is show'n by the fact you get banded and jungle with tremper eclipse eyes this to me say's the patternless stripe and eclipse aren't directly linked they just happened to be in the same place at the same time.Not like the mack super snow that back eye is directly linked to the mack super snow as is't only seen on the mack super snow i've not see it bleed into the mack snow or any other mack super snow offspring as of yet so it true to form and to the mack super snow only.If tremper eclipse was link solely to the patternless striped it would only show in the patternless stripe but it pops up ever where simplely coz it's a seperate gene (recsseive) not like the pattenless stripe that seems to be a combo clash of reverse striped and striped (not rescessive) or it would be APTOR X APTOR would = 100% APTOR and it dosen't.Tremper eclipse happens to be in the APTOR line i doutb made by the APTOR.I'll beleave it's linked when i see a standed NON eclipse bloodline that never fed into eclipse blood non albino reverse stripe X non albino stripe resulting in a eclipse.
Misunderstood me I think. The "Eclipse" gene comes from the patterning genes, meaning they produced Patternless Stripe(in our project and "Aptor" in Rons), and it created Eclipse. All of the genes are linked together, if you follow "history" Reverse Stripes popped up from Stripes. Well now Patternless Stripe emerged, and the next step is "Eclipse" One gene/s "unlocks" the next.

It worked the same way in the PRS project, as it did in Rons "Aptor". They are not their own seperate genes, basically they allready were able to produce Jungles, true Bandeds only have come about after breeding the normal banded genes into the project, and breeding that a second generation.

Those bandeds parents certainly carry all of the other patterning genes. They can be any pattern, that is not really what is important, it is carrying the combination of genes. What I am saying is without "Patternless Stripe" there would be no "Eclipse", it does not mean all of the "hets" are a certain pattern. It can combine in any way with any of the patterns.


New Member
UK said:
What I meant was the "Eclipse" mutation, there is only one. SS, Blizzard, Enigma, have different eyes, there are not true "Eclipse".

I have a nother for the list a super hypo baldy it has no RAPTOR blood or blizzard blood yet her it is i'm looking for a RAPTOR or het RAPTOR for her for next year to see if they blend.I done know ? :main_huh: ? 10 year ago maybe even 5 ? eclipse was no where now there every where in all forms make you wonder what the next 10 or maybe even 5 year has for us :D :main_yes: i think the only thing that's 100% is lots of headaches :wall: :stars: :rolleyes5: :main_thumbsup: .

Here she is my eclipse type super hypo baldy the eye you see in the picture is about 99% the other about 35%.


New Member
Seminole, Fl
Let me make sure I'm following right.

The only true eclipse is from the the prs gene combo. And this has been proven? I missed that somewhere.
Without the prs it's a diff eye gene that we get to play with and prove out? What do we refer to those eyes as-eclipse/ruby-even though they are not a true eclipse/ruby?

The solid eyes from enigmas, ss and blizzards=we have no idea how they are created and or how they are in breeding outcomes yet? Is there any chance that the enigma and macks have stripe in thier gene background?

Gazz what is the background on your hypo? Maybe you should breed her to a non aptor/raptor to see if the gene that is causing her eye to look like that carries over?
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"For the Gecko Eccentric"
What I mean by the only true Eclipse, is, it is from the PRS, or R/Aptor project.
PRS and Aptor prove out to be the same or at least work in exactly the same way. They both "unlock" the gene for Eclipse.

I only said that because the Blizzards, and Super Snows have black/red eyes too, they are not the same morph, so we do not want to confuse them by calling those Eclipse also. I know there are plenty of Blizzards which have this, they are now being called Eclipse/snake eyed, but they are not the same. In appearance they are, but not the same genetically. It would be good to end any confusion ASAP.

I`de call them "black eyed Blizzards", or "partial solid eyed", or something like that. Super Snows are just that.


New Member
UK said:
I`de call them "black eyed Blizzards", or "partial solid eyed", or something like that. Super Snows are just that.

But that only works with a non albino when you add the albino gene you back to red eyes/ruby eyes just what the albino tremper eclipse is called ?.

I was thinking :stars: there eyes look like little tinted window :D any one like the term tinted ? for NON tremper ecllipse lines ? so;

tinted blizzard-.
partial tinted blizzard.
tinted blazing blizzard.
partial tinted blizzard blizzard.

That way if it bleeds out of the blizzard morph like it did for (420Geckos) when he bred his partial tinted blizzard X mack snow witch resulted in a partial tinted mack snow it's does't matter if it spreds into other if it's not tremper it's not eclipse it tinted ?.And ofcorse as said this dosen't included mack super snow as black eye is what make the morph.

Anyone think it somthing to work with ????.

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