Eclipse Eye Trait


New Member
This year I discovered that my DH Las Vegas Albino/ Blazing Blizzard pair also proved out for the Eclipse trait...I developed a Blazing Blizzard with two perfect Eclipse Eyes. Here she is...



My main question is the inheritability of the trait...If I breed her to SHTCTs or Red Stripes would the eclipse eye be randomly inherited as well?

Also, I believe that the DH pair proved out for snake-eye with the Blazing Blizzards clutchmate, a LV albino. Is she a snake eye?


Thanks for looking!



Sourthern California

Boy, talk about opening a can of worms, but here is my attempt at explaining it and hopefully it makes some sense.

First some assumptions (in other words I am assuming the following):
1.) The eclipse eye trait acts like a simple recesive trait.
2.) That the SHTCT's you are breeding to are not carrying the Blizzard trait, the LV amel trait, or the Eclipse Eyed trait (in other words they are NOT heterozygous for any of the above)
3.) I won't include the Red Stripes here as I don't have enough info on them to determine if they are line bred or some form of simple recessive.

Your initial cross (The P1 cross) is and Eclipse Eyed Blazing Blizzard (Las Vegas amelanistic and Leucistic) and SHTCT.

Your F1 generation (the first offspring produced by the above cross) will result in hets for all three traits. And depending on the background of your Eclipse Eye Blazing Blizzard (from here on referred to as EEBB), varying SHTCTs. Since SHCT is a line bred trait all the offspring will look like varying shades between a normal and the SHCT parent.

At that point I would raise up the best looking offspring that are the opposite sex of your EEBB and cross them back to him/her. Each offspring in this clutch (called the F2) will have a 50/50 chance of being an EEBB.

Hope that helps,

Ian B.
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New Member
Thanks Ian,

I figured the offspring would be hets...wasn't sure if eclipse was a random occurance, recessive, since my little eclipse was random, and the parents weren't eclipse it wasn't co-dom, and the breeder I obtained the pair from (Garrick) said that he just started having it pop up in some of his lines.

I guess I'll find more out as I breed the female. See if it can be inherited in other lines. I was mainly wondering because of what I've read on Ron Trempers site about the eclipse...and the fact I'm horrible with genetics.:p


Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Your blizzard looks to be a regular blizzard (the blazing part indicates it's albino). The eclipse eyes do pop up in the blizzard line on a fairly regular basis.

Funny enough, Paul Sage and I were JUST talking about just how the eclipse eyes are reacting genetically. We have some theories, but nothing concrete. I'm guessing it may take a couple seasons to figure out just what's going on.

One guess is that it's incomplete dominate, with the snake eyes being the het form.

Another guess is that it's recessive, with degrees of pigment variations that range from snake eye to eclipse. Paul thinks it's acting more recessive.

The huge question is if it's linked to the blizzard trait. The short answer is, no one knows yet. There have been a few people who have hatched hets with snakes eyes...which indicates to me that it MIGHT be possible to separate the eye color from the blizzard trait.

Lots of work to be done before we get a good answer!


New Member
Thanks Shanti!

You're right, my Blizzard is not blazing...but she has shed much of that yellow since that picture, and is more of a white/white-grey.

Thanks for the bit of info! I sure hope its recessive but not exclusively linked to the Blizzard lines, I love the pure black eyes and think it would be quite sharp looking on many more "morphs"

What boggles me is, Ron has a patternless super carrot tail with the eclipse trait for sale...and thus far they are the only few geckos I've seen beside blizzards to have it....

Like you said, much work to be done before the genetics are fully understood.

Thanks again,


Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
What you're seeing on Trempers site is the non-albino form of the APTOR/RAPTOR. It's commonly called a PRS or patternless redstripe when not from Tremper lines (Tremper calls it the eclipse morph).

I do believe people have been attempting to seperate the eclipse eye from the PRS/APTOR/RAPTOR trait with no luck as of yet. That may be from it being linked, or because there is so much going on genetically that it's more work to seperate than from a simple recessive like the blizzard.

A question I have is, is the PRS eclipse the same as the blizzard eclipse? To my knowledge, no one has started work on that one!


Bells Rule!
After hatching that Snake Eyed Mack Snow I'm pretty sure it's not recessive. I'm thinking incomplete dominate myself, but it's going to take a while to figure out. Hopefully, my Eclipse Blizzard will be more cooperative and give me 1.1 babies with her eyes. :main_yes: I don't even care if they're Macks! Then next year hopefully the eye gene lands on the 66% hets and not the Blizzard. I will be pairing the Snake Eyed Mack with at least one Bell female (it's a male:D ) because he's 50% het Bell, but more so to outcross the gene further from the Blizzards.


Bells Rule!
Grinning Geckos said:
A question I have is, is the PRS eclipse the same as the blizzard eclipse? To my knowledge, no one has started work on that one!

I say yes, but only time will tell... Someone must come forward if they get an Eclipse/Snake Eyed from an outcross breeding. I wouldn't count RAPTOR x APTOR, RAPTOR x RS, RAPTOR x PRS, or any similar crosses because the gene may be linked.

"For the Gecko Eccentric"
Many Blizzards have solid or 'snake' eyes. It is very doubtful they are the same thing as an "Eclipse" though. I mean yes, black eyes are black eyes, but genetically.

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