Egg and digging?


New Member
United States
I'm not sure if I should put this in "breeding", since I'm not actively breeding.

Anyway, I found another egg in Camo's tank this morning (I was hoping there wouldn't be any more :(). It was MUCH bigger than the last one, VERY soft and squishy, and pretty much completely flat. Is that normal? I couldn't take a picture and threw it outside in the snow immediately, so the kids wouldn't see the egg. I was amazed at the size of the egg compared to the size of Camo.

The egg was laying out in the open, in the middle of the tank. Camo had pushed her calcium dish around and made a big mess with the calcium. She was also trying to dig in that area. I have never seen her dig before. Does that mean there will be more eggs, or was she just trying to cover that one? I'm guessing she didn't lay it in her moist hide because she uses that as her potty (yes, still).


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
I can answer one of your questions. From what I have researched, it seems that infertile eggs tend to be much larger than fertile ones, and they tend to be soft and collapse in on themselves... hopefully an experienced breeder can weigh in and help you out more then this though! :D

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