Egg Binding - Healthy Gecko

Josh P.

New Member
A month ago one of my female geckos laid a single infertile egg. By the look of the egg it's possible that she laid it before time. You can find a photo I posted of such egg in this other thread in this forum:

However, she clearly had another egg inside which has grown to a full sized plump egg. Yes, I am sure it's an egg and not just a fat body. I'm posting the photo of this second egg inside her belly in this thread. The problem is that it has passed a full month since she laid the first egg which leads me to suspect that she may be egg bound (dystocia). However, on the other hand, I read that egg binding is often misdiagnosed and has very clear signs like lethargy, cease in eating or pooping, closed eyes and straining. She is still acting normal, moves around the terrarium, doesn't strain her legs or show any kind of pain, goes to lick her calcium dish, opens her eyes and eats (not great but that's not new as she always stopped eating sometimes and then resumed, as it happens with many geckos).

She also continues to shed normally, drinks regularly, has 4 different hides including the humid hide to aid in laying, the temperatures inside the terrarium are optimal and controlled by high quality digital thermostats. Until a week ago she was living with a male, but I moved him to another tub in order to reduce stress that could be preventing her from laying. She shed again just a few days ago and I was hoping she would lay then, but nothing happened.

Is there any chance that she will still lay this egg by herself? I was hoping she could absorb it but after so long I'm starting to get really worried.

I have contacted a few local veterinarians and most aren't experienced with leopard geckos at all (I live in a small country in Europe). I was referred to the possibility of an oxytocin treatment (injections) but was also said that it could only make things worse at this stage and result in the production of multiple clutches in the female follicles. I will keep looking for experienced veterinarians of course and possible solutions, right now just wanted to hear about your educated and experienced opinions. Thank you.

As long as she is acting normal could things be ok? Or past all this time she doesn't have many chances for things getting solved in a natural way?


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
What Im suggesting is a last resort.I have had several girls over the years that were egg bound.Criag from Tug gave me some advice as a last resort.Soak her in warm water for 15 minutes.Flip the girl over on her back and with your 2 forefingers literally start at the top of her abdomen and firmly rub your 2 forefingers down ward.What you are doing is forcing the egg downward.You have to use real deep and firm massaging downward.If she hasnt passed it in a couple of days try it again.This has worked on almost every female.

Josh P.

New Member
What Im suggesting is a last resort.I have had several girls over the years that were egg bound.Criag from Tug gave me some advice as a last resort.Soak her in warm water for 15 minutes.Flip the girl over on her back and with your 2 forefingers literally start at the top of her abdomen and firmly rub your 2 forefingers down ward.What you are doing is forcing the egg downward.You have to use real deep and firm massaging downward.If she hasnt passed it in a couple of days try it again.This has worked on almost every female.
Thank you very much for the reply and tip. I appreciate it. Should I only perform this massage if someday she stops eating or shows visible signs of straining, or after a month it's already too long and should be done right now?


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
correct ,only if she shows sign shes in trouble.Ive had females hold onto to eggs for 3 months and then on her own she drops the eggs and then ive had females hold onto them for 4-6 months before she stops eating and loses a ton of weight..If shes held the second egg for only a month that's not too long.I will pm you my email.Please email me if you have any questions.

Josh P.

New Member
correct ,only if she shows sign shes in trouble.Ive had females hold onto to eggs for 3 months and then on her own she drops the eggs and then ive had females hold onto them for 4-6 months before she stops eating and loses a ton of weight..If shes held the second egg for only a month that's not too long.I will pm you my email.Please email me if you have any questions.

Thank you very much Roger. You were of great help. I will email you if things change.

Josh P.

New Member
I'm sorry to reopen this thread again, but the situation persists. Now after 3 months the female still hasn't laid the egg, however she has stopped eating for 2 weeks and is starting to slowly drop a bit of weight which is worrying me. I was about to try the procedure Roger recommended of pressing the egg down her belly, but under close examination the egg appears to be much smaller than before. It's clearly still there, but of a much smaller size. Is it possible that she is absorbing the egg after all this time? After 3 months shouldn't the egg already be calcified and impossible to be absorbed? But if so, then why is it becoming smaller?

Thank you for your time, please share your ideas.

SC Geckos

New Member
She needs to be seen by a herp vet and take the guess work out of the situation. If it is in fact an egg that has not been passed in 3 months it could very well rot inside of her and become septic. If this happens, the outcome is almost always death. Get her checked by a vet.

Josh P.

New Member
In the last few hours she drooped this (picture included). This thing had a membrane around it, it wasn't fluid, so I thought it could be a bad egg but then when examining her the egg is still inside.

Does anyone have any idea of what this might be? It surely doesn't look anything like her standard feces.


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Ridgewood, NJ
I would get her to a vet soon too. I've never experienced this first hand but read a couple threads from folks this year about healthy geckos becoming egg bound and dying because the egg had remained inside them for too long. If it is just an egg that is too big to pass it is a different story than if the shell has become fused to the fallopian tube (common in birds but I don't know about geckos). Only way to know for sure is to have an experienced vet look at her. Hoping for the best for you and your gecko! Keep us posted!!

Josh P.

New Member
Looks like gecko poop to me. The urates on the side.

But the whole thing is inside some kind of a membrane, it's not loose or fluid. It's like a yellow fluid inside some kind of sack or membrane. Also she hasn't eaten in over 2 weeks so didn't have much to poop at this time. It seems like this was something different.

SC Geckos

New Member
I am almost 100% certain (without seeing it in person) it is gecko poop. I have seen and cleaned many a poop in the last ten+ years and some do appear to have a casing type membrane around them. It for sue doesn't look like any bad egg I have ever seen.

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