Egg Binding



Im sure this question has been asked a bunch of times here, but I can't find any related threads. One of my blizzard females seems to be having trouble dropping her clutch. She is very swollen and it almost looks as though there is a 3rd egg developing in the middle. She has a tupperware container with moist vermiculite in her box, and I see her in there quite often. She doesn't dig or push the vermiculite back and forth like my other females have done in the past. I worry that she won't be able to drop them so is there anything I can do to save her. I would much rather her be alive over salvaging the eggs.
Any ideas?


They have been together for over a month now. Yeah she looks just like that picture. I am just a bit worried because she is so lethargic, but Im assuming thats normal. she should lay them any day now, hopfully. Her babies will be het snake eye bliz and tremper albino.

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