Egg Care



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Once you put the eggs in the often do you check them and what do you look for. My incubator is a constant 83 degrees and has a water reservoir under the egg containers. Also, I have not seen any moisture buildup in the egg container and they are keeping their shape. I am of the opinion that as long as everything looks good don't disturb the eggs. Can someone with lots of experience please lend your advice.

Thank you.




The eggs pretty much take care of themself as long as everything is set up right. We try to leave them be unless we notice they are drying out or it's time for them to hatch.

When putting the eggs in the perlite we wet it so that it's not soaking, no water drains off of it but it's still moist. This usually holds out the whole incubation period. I've tried 1:1 water/perlite weight ratios but it always dried out too quick.

We are currently using a hova-bator (we have a fridge, it's just not converted yet). If the "water reservoir" you mentioned is the bottom of the hova-bator, we don't usually fill it up. We just use the humidity created from the heat and the moisture in the perlite.

Also, another tip is make sure you have a lid on the deli cup you put the eggs in (which I'm sure you do) and make sure you only have one hole in it, that way it keeps the humidity in and doesn't dry out.


Katie: Thank you for the great advice! I really appreciate it. I have many holes around the side of the deli cup...but the are from a straight pin. Thanks again. David

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