

New Member
I have been wanting to post a memorial to my iguana Eleanor for awhile now but I did not have any pictures of her on this computer. I went to my moms to find out that most of my pictures were lost because her computer had crashed. some were saved because she backed them up on disk but most are gone. this really upset me but life go's on. Anyway I did find one picture of her by going to my old AOL profile.


Eleanor started it all. When I first got back with my husband He had This skinny deformed iguana in a large aquarium. I didn't know much about iguanas then. but I fell in love with her quick. She was so calm and actually seemed to enjoy human attention and being held. My husband told me the story of how he got her. He was at a pet store and they had her in a dog kennel. She was all bloody and beat up. At first he left the pet store with out her. But he started to feel really bad for her and went back to talk to the manager. He didn't know much about iguanas but was sure he could do a better job then they were and the manager agreed and let him take her home for free.
Then I came along, also knowing nothing about iguanas but unlike my husband I knew how to use a computer lol! I found out how to properly care for her. my husband built her a new cage, we changed her diet from only green beans to the proper iguana diet, and got her a UVB light. and found out that her deformities were from MBD. After vet care and being in a new environment She quickly started looking better and being more active. Her deformities never healed and she had a drunken walk to her. We could not alow her to climb because she had a tendency to fall a lot. so her cage got altered to give her enough room without having to climb multiple levels. She was a free roamer most of the time though.

Eleanor was the greatest Iguana I have ever met and I was blessed to have her for the short time that I did. I lost her about 2 months ago, I assume of old age. We don't know how old she was. She was full grown when my husband rescued her. She loved mango, sitting on my lap, and chillin out side soaking up the sun. I Miss here dearly.
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New Member
Oh I forgot I also Have this picture of her. You can see how skinny she was when I first met her by looking at her arms in this pic. Her bones are sticking out all over. Poor girl. I wish she never had to go through what ever she did to get in such bad shape. This pic is four years old taken shortly after I got back with my husband.


Awww soo sorry brandy! at least what time you did get with her she was in the best place ever!!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Brandy you did what you could for her, and that was the best gift you can give. She was beautiful and I'm sure you have many great memories to keep her alive within you.


New Member
Thank you Felicia and Marcia. It is very weird being with out her. If it were not for her I don't know if I ever would have gotin into herps the way I am now. She ment alot to me and I will never forget her.

Brian O

I'm so sorry for your loss Brandy. Eleanor looked like a very happy and loved iguana from your pics.


New Member
Thank You Brian! She was very loved and I like to think she was happy. She definitely was spoiled! lol I'm Thinking of having the First pic blown up to hang in my gecko room. Not sure how big they can get it beings it's a scanned picture And I don't have the original photo, or a photo friendly printer.

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