Is this good for tokay geckos.and whats the difference between this and other calcium supplements.
Jan 27, 2007 #1 T tokay_kid Guest Is this good for tokay geckos.and whats the difference between this and other calcium supplements.
Feb 2, 2007 #2 L LadyGecko Guest From reading the brief description of this product-it seems to be more of a re hydrating formula than a straight calcium Most calcium supplements whether they contain D3 or not -are just that-straight calcium -usually primarily calcium carbonate This looks to me to be more of a mineral supplement than just calcium but that's just a guess on my part without seeing all of the ingredients I use straight calcium carbonate on my Tokay's crix and a vit/mineral powder once every other week Sandy
From reading the brief description of this product-it seems to be more of a re hydrating formula than a straight calcium Most calcium supplements whether they contain D3 or not -are just that-straight calcium -usually primarily calcium carbonate This looks to me to be more of a mineral supplement than just calcium but that's just a guess on my part without seeing all of the ingredients I use straight calcium carbonate on my Tokay's crix and a vit/mineral powder once every other week Sandy