My newest pet........Pickle the male Emerald Swift. I hope to find him a couple females soon. He's in a temp 10 gallon tank for now. Soon he will have a 20 or 30 gallon.
He's pretty "swift" if you know what I mean..hehe! I think he was just using me for heat because that was right when we got him home. He's from Petco(bad) but we have never seen them anywhere else and though he was soo cool. His tummy is blue too!
The scary thing is that I read if they don't have the perfect setup they will die right away! I think it's because they need UVB(petco didn't have it on him) and bigger aquariums when full grown because they run around so fast and probably bump into the glass.
Nice looking Sceloporus malachiticus, I always loved malachitus, I currently only own two breeding pair of S.u.hyacinthus, both were locally caught. Nice looking male!