EMERGENCY gecko paralysis


New Member
cleveland ohio
I am the owner of two leopard geckos, One is in perfect health and is about 5 years old - the only issue is I once had to have a cyst drained from his armpit.

The other is a 2-3 month old baby, who is insanely skinny. We have been treating him for impaction and it has been passing in small bits, and mostly urate. When he does pass, it is mostly sand, he was kept on sand at the pet store my boyfriend bought him from. Temps in the tank are right, he is on repti-carpet. He has not been eating. He has stayed pretty active though, not lethargic.

Suddenly last night however, he became paralyzed. Not just his legs and tail - his front legs too. And he has some limited motion in his tail. One side seems worse then the other.

He is still very active, he pulls himself around with his wrists. I feel bad because there is nothing I can do. He can move his head around fine, he will still lick water off his nose, and seems perfectly happy and alert.

The only reptile vet in the area is not available today. I want to take him to a vet but there are no more in the area. My boyfriend is talking about mercy killing him, but we are bonded to him and that makes me uncomfortable. I would rather take him to a vet and have him be put down if it comes to that, but none are open today. I doubt he will make it another few days, he has not eaten in over a month, his bones are sticking out.

Please tell me what I can do to help him. Whatever that means. Please :(


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
that doesn't sound good at all! You have to get him to the vet as soon as you possibly can! is there a chance that you could put a picture of him in this state? I have dealt with many starved and anorexic geckos in the past, and I might be able to suggest something if I can see it.


New Member
cleveland ohio
that doesn't sound good at all! You have to get him to the vet as soon as you possibly can! is there a chance that you could put a picture of him in this state? I have dealt with many starved and anorexic geckos in the past, and I might be able to suggest something if I can see it.

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg

You can see on his right in the pics he cant use his fingers/hand. he can move his legs somewhat, but not his feet. Also, you can see his black belly and skinny tail.

Also, we gave him something to eat yesturday and he pooped today and it was the same color as what we fed him. I don't think he is impacted. We are thinking about force feeding him some baby food. He wont like it but i just want him to have something atleast. Is this a good idea? And if so, what kind of baby food is the best? Or is there anything else I should do? I plan to call the vet tomorrow when she is in and see what I can do then.


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
oh dear..... I have owned a gecko this skinny before, but she died a few days later, may she rest in peace. I can only recommend two options to you at the moment, 1: try this liquid slurry recipe ----> http://geckoforums.net/f130-health-medications/54742.htm (it has brought back many of my rescues from the brink), and 2: get that poor baby to a vet as soon as you can possibly manage. there is probably not to much that they can do, but you can get the canned food needed for the slurry at vets offices usually...or if you guys decide, it might be best to put that poor baby down... well, whatever you decide, good luck to you and the gecko, and my thoughts are with you.


Ridgewood, NJ
Force feeding baby geckos that are that skinny is a super delicate process. It is super easy to give them more than their tiny tummies can hold and rupture their stomach. I would, at most, make the slurry and let her lick it off her nose. If she is not eating on her own their may be underlying issues (Like a heart of liver deformity) that you cannot fix, or she may just have been neglected at the pet store for too long to recover. I would try to seek the help of a qualified vet today. Best of luck to you and your little gecko. Sorry this has been so hard!


New Member
cleveland ohio
Force feeding baby geckos that are that skinny is a super delicate process. It is super easy to give them more than their tiny tummies can hold and rupture their stomach. I would, at most, make the slurry and let her lick it off her nose. If she is not eating on her own their may be underlying issues (Like a heart of liver deformity) that you cannot fix, or she may just have been neglected at the pet store for too long to recover. I would try to seek the help of a qualified vet today. Best of luck to you and your little gecko. Sorry this has been so hard!

I am afraid, the poor little guy died last night. I believe he had MBD when we got him, but it didnt show itself until it was too late. My boyfriend found him with some blood around his mouth, indicating organ failure. We have been giving him calcium since he got sick (he stopped eating so he wasnt getting enough on his own) but I guess he just could not handle it :(

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