end of the year prank


New Member
Today, my school had a final pep assembly, were splitting into 2 schools our principal is going to another school and it was like, all sentimental and stuff. Well for the last week, kids have been talking about throwing bouncy balls during the assembly. We were warned by all the teachers administration and deans that we would get in trouble if we threw them (like, 3 out of school suspensions). So towards the beginning a few were thrown then those kids got in trouble. At the end we were giving our principal a standing ovation for his years of work, they everybody threw theirs. It was pretty rude, but it was an awesome spectacle. Balls bouncing from the top of the gymnasium to the other side, i wish i had a picture. Nobody got hurt, but a lot of kids got in trouble.


New Member
Hahaha, I am going to throw a nice senior prank.

I really don't get why people would get in trouble for a harmless thing like that. I understand it causes chaos...but still.

Double LY

We wrapped our school in crime scene tape for my senior prank. Not real unique or creative, but we had fun doing it :D

The next year a group of kids broke into the high school gymnasium and parked a car in there. They got in major trouble (had to attend summer school before they were able to get their diplomas).


Hm... well my senior prank. We "borrowed" 20 live turkys from a local farm and let them loose in the school. The classrooms were on lock down. It was an amazing feat but the lock down had me stuck in pre calc for 2 hours...ew

The year before that the seniors bought over 100 rats, painted racing stripes and numbers on them and let them loose. Now that was GREAT.

Milwaukee Reptiles

Gecko Addict
Milwaukee, WI
Zbiz said:
The year before that the seniors bought over 100 rats, painted racing stripes and numbers on them and let them loose. Now that was GREAT.

It would be even better if you skipped over about 10 or 20 numbers so they could never think they got them all ...hehe "41...42...we never found 43-47!"


Im not going to tell anyone they should do anything bad...

But once you are out of highschool, you realize how minor a punishment they can actually give you (with the exception of not allowing to graduate, but if you did something that extreme, you deserve it) compared to how mean the "real world" can be.

So, if someone asked me if I had the chance to pull off something that cool and memorable at possibly the last time I would see some of my friends, would I do it?

Damn right I would.


Amen 98XJSport! I didn't get to do shit for mine. I was so ready to get out of there I didn't have time to plan anything. Now I wish I had more fun then tho.

I think I'm making up for it in college tho:
Water balloons from the third story of the dormitories on whoever passes by, messing with the campus cops to see how long it takes them to figure out whats going on, dying the water fountains different colours or soaping them up.
I think the funniest one we've done so far is to tie a note to several dogs and setting them loose on campus to see who will read the notes. The notes then set them on a wild goose chase. Just watching them chase down the other dogs is priceless!!! (none of the dogs were harmed, they were all loveable little things) Oh man it was a laugh!


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
We didn't get a chance to do anything really cool for mine, but my Mom's senior class actually got the principal's car onto the roof of the gym! Now that was awesome. I don't think anyone will top that one. However, anyone after that risked expulsion for similar acts with the principal's car or other motorized vehicles on top of the school......:main_rolleyes:


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
98XJSport said:
Im not going to tell anyone they should do anything bad...

But once you are out of highschool, you realize how minor a punishment they can actually give you (with the exception of not allowing to graduate, but if you did something that extreme, you deserve it) compared to how mean the "real world" can be.

So, if someone asked me if I had the chance to pull off something that cool and memorable at possibly the last time I would see some of my friends, would I do it?

Damn right I would.

I'll drink to that!


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
These are all some really good pranks!!!! and I agree, Mari, I think your mother's got the title for the best one of all time!! Did she ever tell you how they got the car on the roof?

I went to high school in a really small town, and I never really heard any talk about Senior pranks or anything, although I had to move and switch schools my senior year. The seniors at my new school somehow got a ton of maneur and dumped it all over the front lawn.. that was the first time I had ever heard about a Senior prank!

I was pretty crazy throughout high school, though, so I actually have calmed down quite a bit during college. Friday nights no longer mean "party night" or anything to me, and a nice game of scrabble or phase 10 may just be how I spend the evening! HAHA things sure have changed :)
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want some company on your scrabble nights? i much prefer a nice quiet game with some close friends, some popcorn, music, and colas to crazy clubbing and drinking

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