Enigma Symptoms?


Purple Freak :)
I was wondering if anyone knows the symptoms of an enigma or knows where I can find a list of them. Also am curious to know if the enigma gene can be seen in normals or if it is only in some of the other morphs. My female bee (that I rescued) has been showing really bad aim problems. sometimes takes her 5-6 tries before she snatches up a mealworm. I have only seen her spin once and I know that can be a sign of a enigma. Since she is a rescue and the person I got her from got her from a pet store so her history is a complete mystery.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
To the best of my knowledge, the cerebral problems with the Enigmas are very similar to vestibular symptoms or nystagmus, (Google these terms). It does not seem to affect the non-enigma siblings. It is a genetic issue, and Enigmas can exhibit varying degrees of symptoms, or none at all. Exposure to bright light and stress (breeding, shipping, etc.) can trigger these symptoms at any time, even in a gecko that has not previously exhibited any issues. Some of the symptoms are:

- disorganization and messiness
- eye/strike feeding response is slightly inaccurate
- slight head-tilt

- head waving
- moderate head tilt
- walking in circles, especially when under stress or bright light
- lack of coordination when walking
- eye/strike feeding response is notably inaccurate

- constant walking in circles
- difficulty holding head upright
- inability to stand up, falling over
- eye/strike feeding response is severely impaired


Enigma Thoughts

I was wondering if anyone knows the symptoms of an enigma or knows where I can find a list of them. Also am curious to know if the enigma gene can be seen in normals or if it is only in some of the other morphs. My female bee (that I rescued) has been showing really bad aim problems. sometimes takes her 5-6 tries before she snatches up a mealworm. I have only seen her spin once and I know that can be a sign of a enigma. Since she is a rescue and the person I got her from got her from a pet store so her history is a complete mystery.

Hey T C J......
have seen them circle.
bobble the DUI white line test.
miss food.
be dependent on human care.
turn their motor off.


Purple Freak :)
To the best of my knowledge, the cerebral problems with the Enigmas are very similar to vestibular symptoms or nystagmus, (Google these terms). It does not seem to affect the non-enigma siblings. It is a genetic issue, and Enigmas can exhibit varying degrees of symptoms, or none at all. Exposure to bright light and stress (breeding, shipping, etc.) can trigger these symptoms at any time, even in a gecko that has not previously exhibited any issues. Some of the symptoms are:

- disorganization and messiness
- eye/strike feeding response is slightly inaccurate
- slight head-tilt

- head waving
- moderate head tilt
- walking in circles, especially when under stress or bright light
- lack of coordination when walking
- eye/strike feeding response is notably inaccurate

- constant walking in circles
- difficulty holding head upright
- inability to stand up, falling over
- eye/strike feeding response is severely impaired

Well I would definitely say she has an eye/strike feeding response issue. head tilt might be there but I haven't really noticed it.

Hey T C J......
have seen them circle.
bobble the DUI white line test.
miss food.
be dependent on human care.
turn their motor off.

Love the video wish I could get her just to lay on her back but she hates it. Though she hates to be handled in general. don't think her last owner handled her that much.

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