EPIC skin peel!!


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
So, I was looking over my leo tonight, as I do every night, and noticed that she had apparently shed and had shed stuck on her right front leg clear up to the elbow. (YES I have a moist hide box and she normally sheds perfectly) So I get the warm water bath and q-tips ready and sterilize the tweezers. Let her soak for like 15 minutes then get her out and begin rolling with the q-tip. The top was kind of a thickish rolled down band, so it was being difficult. I got the tweezers, grabbed the loose edge and gently pulled downward. It came off like a glove!!! When it was off you could still see the individual toes and everything! Like a mold of her lower leg! Maybe no one else cares about this, but I enjoyed it. lol


Winchester, UK
lol yes i have had that a few time. i thought it was amazing the boyfriend was less impressed when i waved the skin glove in his face :p


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Sorry, I didn't even think about taking pics. If it ever happens again I will be SURE to take pics just for you Cesar. lol! And your post CRACKED ME UP sausage! I did the same thing, waving the "skin glove" (I LOVE THAT! LMAO!) in my husband's face and going LOOK! Is that NOT awesome?!?! Look at it!! *wave, wave* He looked like he was going to throw up.... I only had to pull at the skin a bit, then she pulled her leg up and out of the skin, it was like she knew I was helping her get that skin off.
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