Escape artist!!


New Member
Okay so me and my gf are watching tv and all of a sudden we see our male jungle trying to escape. I have a exo terra tank as you can see in the pictures, and what this little bugger does is reach up and grabs onto the ledge where the doors open and just sits there obviously because he has nowhere to go, my only concern is his only way down is to just free fall...its not a high drop but it just concerns me...can there be any damage done from a fall like that?, I moved all the hides away from the ledge so i dont think its possible for him to climb anymore, but hes only a juvie so when he gets bigger hes going to be able to just reach up. I taped the ledge thinking he wont have any traction but well see if that works. Does anyone else have this cage and had the same problem? im jsut scared hell injure himself, I read a thread not to long ago about someones gecko falling onto his sides and caused internal bleeding. He really wants to get out im typing this hes running his nose against the glass up and down and sideways to I guess try and find openings? lol. Hes never done this.


New Member
Okay so me and my gf are watching tv and all of a sudden we see our male jungle trying to escape. I have a exo terra tank as you can see in the pictures, and what this little bugger does is reach up and grabs onto the ledge where the doors open and just sits there obviously because he has nowhere to go, my only concern is his only way down is to just free fall...its not a high drop but it just concerns me...can there be any damage done from a fall like that?, I moved all the hides away from the ledge so i dont think its possible for him to climb anymore, but hes only a juvie so when he gets bigger hes going to be able to just reach up. I taped the ledge thinking he wont have any traction but well see if that works. Does anyone else have this cage and had the same problem? im jsut scared hell injure himself, I read a thread not to long ago about someones gecko falling onto his sides and caused internal bleeding. He really wants to get out im typing this hes running his nose against the glass up and down and sideways to I guess try and find openings? lol. Hes never done this.
What is the temp on the cool side?


New Member
tonight is the most ive ever seen her as active shes all over the place especially climbing things and staring at the glass basically looking at my room, i wouldnt think twice of it until we seen her pull this little stunt by climbing the ledge trying to get out, could she just want to be taken out? me and my gf take her out 20 minutes a day and let her climb my bed, we didnt take her out last night though.
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New Member
well it depends on because of my ac, it dosent go down to 75, the lowest ive ever seen it was 78 during the night, or if the ac was blasting during the day, and if it was a hot day 83. where im from these past days have been really off weather, from like 10c to 26f it never went past 83 or below 78 from whenever i check with my temp gun. And I dont work so I check more frequently i have OCD with temps in my 2 leos cages. Is it really imprtant to have temps drop at night?, because I have red lamp on during the night if thats the case then I can shut it off when I go sleep for the night cycle.

i found this funny aswell probably thinking to himself " this dosent make sense! "
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New Member
well it depends on because of my ac, it dosent go down to 75, the lowest ive ever seen it was 78 during the night, or if the ac was blasting during the day, and if it was a hot day 83. where im from these past days have been really off weather, from like 10c to 26f it never went past 83 or below 78 from whenever i check with my temp gun. And I dont work so I check more frequently i have OCD with temps in my 2 leos cages.

i found this funny aswell probably thinking to himself " this dosent make sense! "

Cute, she is like why can't I walk through those trees:D Your lucky you don't have a spoiled brat of a leo like the one in my avatar. He would not eat unless it's under 80 on his cool side. I would put food in and he will just stare at me. He would wait till I turned on the AC and it cooled down to eat.
Hard to believe I know.

That was when it first started getting warm. I have to keep the AC on set to 75.


New Member
Cute, she is like why can't I walk through those trees:D Your lucky you don't have a spoiled brat of a leo like the one in my avatar. He would not eat unless it's under 80 on his cool side. I would put food in and he will just stare at me. He would wait till I turned on the AC and it cooled down to eat.
Hard to believe I know.

That was when it first started getting warm. I have to keep the AC on set to 75.

lolll thats funny he looks very well fed nice and plump :main_cool3: . so I guess im just over analyzing. He seen a chance and took it I guess, I just didnt think hed go to such lengths its so random we never thought of it lol. I must sound completely crazy going back and forth form she/he loll I'm going to wait another month to post a picture to confirm, I think its a female but I naturally say 'he'.
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New Member
lolll thats funny he looks very well fed nice and plump :main_cool3: . so I guess im just over analyzing. He seen a chance and took it I guess, I just didnt think hed go to such lengths its so random we never thought of it lol. I must sound completely crazy going back and forth form she/he loll I'm going to wait another month to post a picture to confirm, I think its a female but I naturally say 'he'.

Yes he eats better than I do. Notice his fat tail but slim stomache and no armpit bubbles;)

If possible bring the temps down to see if the behavior stops before they fall and get hurt.


No worries! Temps are not an issue. They just want alittle attention. My Leo hangs from her ledge in the exo and falls all the time. It's not too far of a fall.


New Member
No worries! Temps are not an issue. They just want alittle attention. My Leo hangs from her ledge in the exo and falls all the time. It's not too far of a fall.

Do you really believe they want attention? I'm sorry but you have to come back to reality. They can care less about us. They know we feed and so will look upon us for that. The only time any of my geckos ever wated to escape was at first when I made mistakes like,

Temps to hot
cages to small causing boredom
or stress from changes in their cages

After I changed all this I never again saw them climbing on glass trying to come out. Now they walk around with there heads up high like they own the world:)


Reality? Who is defining this? You? After I feed my gecko she comes to the glass for attention, so this rules out need for food. Bored? Since you think they do not know what attention means/is, how do they know they know they are bored? It all depends on the geckos. Some like attention, some hate it, some put up with it.


New Member
Reality? Who is defining this? You? After I feed my gecko she comes to the glass for attention, so this rules out need for food. Bored? Since you think they do not know what attention means/is, how do they know they know they are bored? It all depends on the geckos. Some like attention, some hate it, some put up with it.
If you had just fed them, then they probably wanted more.

When I say boredom, meaning lack of space and activity items. No change. Imagine waking up everyday seen the same everything and your whole world is your bedroom, nothingelse. You would feel desperate and want to escape too.

I am telling you what I saw happen with all my leo's. They stopped caring about leaving there tanks.


If you had just fed them, then they probably wanted more.

When I say boredom, meaning lack of space and activity items. No change. Imagine waking up everyday seen the same everything and your whole world is your bedroom, nothingelse. You would feel desperate and want to escape too.

I am telling you what I saw happen with all my leo's. They stopped caring about leaving there tanks.

Heck, yes, I would be bored, because I know what is out in the world and what I would be missing out on--they do not. Geckos have no clue what is "outside." You, or I, as a gecko owner, create their reality by what WE feed them, how WE present their housing, and by what we do for them.


New Member
Heck, yes, I would be bored, because I know what is out in the world and what I would be missing out on--they do not. Geckos have no clue what is "outside." You, or I, as a gecko owner, create their reality by what WE feed them, how WE present their housing, and by what we do for them.

It's ok if that is what you want to believe, but I don't. If you read what M_suri wrote then you will understand what I believe. If you do some research on reptile behavior you will most likely end up with the same conclusion.


New Member
Geckos have been in captivity long enough that they would start to develop other traits - i.e. the need to look cute to get extra treats, the need to want attention knowing they will be rewarded, whether it be with a good head scratch or some time out of the tank. Yes, they can get bored looking at the same stuff day in and day out, but the other stuff can be true too.

For example - I went to this place in Helen, GA, where you could feed bears. They were below you in these large enclosure type things, and you could drop down rolls and apples for them. Some of them learned that if they did cute bear things, i.e. wave at you, stand up, rub their heads, etc. then people dropped more yummy treats for them.

Now, geckos are not as intelligent as bears, but they've also had a lot longer to develop these traits. So yes, you're both right. Some geckos want affection and want to look cute for their owners, due to their rewards. Some geckos are like "you couldn't give me enough waxworms to want a head rub", and some geckos are like "whatever. oh look, a worm. chomp."

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