Hello all, I just have a quick question regarding superworm dishes.
In the past, we've always fed mealworms, crickets and phoenix worms. One of our newly acquired adults, however, was fed superworms by the breeder and just isn't interested in the smaller, less active mealworms so we ordered a load of supers for her.
For our mealies, we've been using this dish...
and it works great... for mealworms. Our supers can easily escape by reaching up and grabbing the rim and pulling themselves up and over.
So, I'm wondering, will these larger versions of that same dish work for superworms?
Do any of you have experience with the larger dishes and superworms? Or perhaps you know of a different dish that works? We really prefer to dish feed if it's possible, and I absolutely do not want supers loose in her tank after all of the stories of leos getting bitten by them. I know plenty of breeders use superworms as staples, and I thought this was the type of dish that they used so I was shocked when I saw ours escaping.
Darn ninja-worms
In the past, we've always fed mealworms, crickets and phoenix worms. One of our newly acquired adults, however, was fed superworms by the breeder and just isn't interested in the smaller, less active mealworms so we ordered a load of supers for her.
For our mealies, we've been using this dish...
and it works great... for mealworms. Our supers can easily escape by reaching up and grabbing the rim and pulling themselves up and over.
So, I'm wondering, will these larger versions of that same dish work for superworms?
Do any of you have experience with the larger dishes and superworms? Or perhaps you know of a different dish that works? We really prefer to dish feed if it's possible, and I absolutely do not want supers loose in her tank after all of the stories of leos getting bitten by them. I know plenty of breeders use superworms as staples, and I thought this was the type of dish that they used so I was shocked when I saw ours escaping.
Darn ninja-worms