escaped ball

leos one

New Member
ok my ball got out and ive turned this place upside down trying to find her. any sugestions on what to do would be nice.
her cage was closed and covered and im thinking her name will be changed from medusa to houdini. shes been out all day while i was working and im going to go crazy thinking the worse

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
My ball once got out of her tank, got into the walls and survived in there for 6 months. Came out with horrid contacts on her eyes but that was about the worst of it. I'd say check the room to make sure there's no way she could get into the walls, or into the box spring on your bed, in a chair or couch that might be in the room. Think of the least accessable place and that's likely where it is.


New Member
My ball once got out of her tank, got into the walls and survived in there for 6 months. Came out with horrid contacts on her eyes but that was about the worst of it. I'd say check the room to make sure there's no way she could get into the walls, or into the box spring on your bed, in a chair or couch that might be in the room. Think of the least accessable place and that's likely where it is.

This is true! We've had a few escapees before (always the little ones) even when their tubs appear to be securely closed. They never seem to go far. We found one in a closet, in the closed, bottom drawer of one of those plastic storage thingies, underneath my paints. I have no idea how she got in there! Another one was behind a CD rack.
Just keep looking. The good thing is that wherever he is he probably won't move, the bad thing is wherever he is, he probably won't move! Good luck!

leos one

New Member
well thankfully i found her this morning, right were i looked a hundred times last night, under the desk. i think she was hiding under the cabinet i have bolted to the wall. she scared me half to death getting out. and i still cant figure how she got out.


New Member
i had one get out and searched until 2am, he was poking his head out looking for food i guess. that was a long nite!! glad you found yours!!

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