Ever use Fluker's reta aid(crictial care formual)??MBD gecko!


New Member
Anyone ever use it and get results? I resently took in a gecko with bad MBD and was recommened to use this till she can eat again. Shes in bad shape so any help would be great. Her buddy's in better shape then she tho had a eye infection(had a chunk fo the bedding crap she was kept on) but both are getting better. Shes eating named her brothersome the one with bad MBD is named troublesome(what they reffered to them as and ironically also a inside joke) Trouble's in very bad shape and I'm trying my best to get her to a safe zone before bringing her to a vet(its nearly 5 hours away one way). first and last are of Trouble and middle is Bother. they were soaking from impaction and stuck on sshed....

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