Eye Concerns


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Hi all, it's been quite a while since I've posted on this forum. But I'm still here and so are my geckos.

Anyways, my concerns are about my five-year old Leopard gecko Snickers. The past couple of days, I've noticed her right eye doesn't seem quite right. It looks a bit inflamed, more triangular, not normal. Her left eye appears fine. She is housed on paper towels, so substrate getting in the eye isn't a problem I would think. Every spring she goes off food for a month or so (I have no particular explanation for this) without ill side effects. She is off food right now. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything...

Here are some pictures. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I wanted to get some input to see is veterinary assistance is necessary. IMG_1151.jpg IMG_1152.jpg Here is the eye I'm concerned about.

IMG_1153.jpg Here is her other eye for comparison. Not concerned about this one.

IMG_1155.jpg Here is a frontal view.

If you need more pictures, please let me know.


Ridgewood, NJ
It could be the beginning of an eye infection or a mouth infection that's moved to the eye. Since she's off food I would try to get her into the vet. I think a quick round of injectable antibiotics would clear whatever is going on right up.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Wanted to update on her situation.

Today I took her to my local exotic veterinarian and good news, there is no infection of the eye or mouth. The vet felt around her face and noticed a slight swelling on the right side near the eye that I was concerned about. She said there may be an abscess forming that is due to a vitamin A deficiency. She sent me with a liquid vitamin A supplement that I am to administer orally every day to alleviate the abscess. Will keep you updated if she makes any progress.

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