"Fake" viv setup


New Member
Hi all,

There appears to be a huge amount around about a bioactive setup, however to start I am going to have artificial.

Are there any common mistakes newbies make or any advice you would give?

Planning on visiting IKEA for some big "leafy" stuff, then pick up some vines etc from the Reptile shop so they have plenty of hiding spaces and even more climbing space.

I will use 2 feeding bowls (as I will have 2 girls.

I will be misting by hand to start with.

How do I best decorate the back of the viv? is it the same as for bioactive?

Do Geckos need anything for enrichment?

Herpin Man

My advice to new gecko (or any other type of herp) keepers: stop worrying about the wrong things and overcomplicating things for yourself.
Although you didn’t mention what species you are getting, my advice is to keep it simple. Focus on providing proper temps, hides, feeding, and other relevant basics. Decor, bioactive, enrichment, etc. can come later.
Too many newbies focus on the wrong things, introduce too many variable, and then, when there is an issue- for example, the gecko doesn’t eat- are unable to easily pin down the cause.
I realize this is probably an unpopular opinion, given the herp hobby’s current obsession with all things “bioactive”, but keep it simple when you’re first starting out.
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New Member
My advice to new gecko (or any other type of herp) keepers: stop worrying about the wrong things and overcomplicating things for yourself.
Although you didn’t mention what species you are getting, my advice is to keep it simple. Focus on providing proper temps, hides, feeding, and other relevant basics. Decor, bioactive, enrichment, etc. can come later.
Too many newbies focus on the wrong things, introduce too many variable, and then, when there is an issue- for example, the gecko doesn’t eat- are unable to easily pin down the cause.
I realize this is probably an unpopular opinion, given the herp hobby’s current obsession with all things “bioactive”, but keep it simple when you’re first starting out.

I am getting Cresties, the fake plants etc are me wanting to follow the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) principle, I just didn't know if there are any basics that are usually missed by newbies.

So I agree with the above 100%, just wanted to avoid doing anything that may hurt the animals.

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