Fashion pics of the girls (Rebel, Fantasia)


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Got some new "formals" of the girls today. My sister lent me her Canon EOS 6D. Wow, what a step up from my DROID Turbo! Still need more practice with shooting, and neither of the females felt like cooperating today. Took over 150 shots and got maybe a dozen usable images (and lots of the Common Blur Gecko).

Here are a few of the best ones.

Rebel, E. m. afghanicus produced by Geckos Etc. Herpetoculture. She's two years and a month and weighed in at 46.7 g today.

And Fantasia, Bold Stripe Gem Snow, also produced by Geckos Etc.. She's 21 months and 68.3 g.

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