Fat baby beardie


New Member
My baby beardie has been looking a little plump the last 2-3 days. His/Her usual meal per day is some Greens, some shreds of Carrots are offered but never eaten. Meal worms every 2-3 days roughly 4 each, along with 5-6 Crickets twice a day.

I'm not sure if it's normal for him/her to be looking this way.. or if for some reason I'm strangely over feeding him/her. These picture's aren't the clearest pictures of all, but they do give you the just of how plump he/she is getting.

I don't have a digial Scale so I wouldn't be able to tell you his/her exact weight. Sorry!

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This ones from just now

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and this one is from yesterday..
He/she is noticeably bigger!

Am I over feeding?


New Member
I forgot to add, the red on his/her lips is from Raspberries from yesterday.. he/she chowed it down in 2 seconds flat!


New Member
i dont,think fat,alot of baby beardies when settled will eat all they can in 15 mins,which can be up to and above 30 crickets..in 15 mins..mine never has and hates crickets so he gets locusts,dubia roaches,wax worms,and veg,which he rarley touches unless its dandilion leaves.
mines more of a grazer hes just over 3 mth old now.

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