Fat Tail Gecko Personality?


New Member
South West
Hey, I was maybe thinking about getting a fat tail as a pet. But, I heard that they can be temperemental... is this true? I love leopard gecko attitudes, but if you could tell me the average fat tail personality, aggression, friendliness, etc. that would be great! Thanks!
Oh, and is there care the same as a leopard geckos? But a little more humidity.. right?


Chaotic Nights Reptile
Two Rivers WI
I have found AFT's to be similar to Leos overall, but a bit more shy. So your going to see less of an AFT.


New Member
South West
I have found AFT's to be similar to Leos overall, but a bit more shy. So your going to see less of an AFT.

Hmm, okay! Thanks for letting me know. I was told by somebody that they have been bitten by fat tails... so I was in kind of a grey patch there.


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
i only have 6 fatties, 4 females and two males. the females i got as adults and have never even been hissed at. i pick them up all the time with no issues. i got the males as young juvies and they both were little turds at first. one of the males has calmed down and now i have no issues, but the other one, he's something else. always hisses at me when i slide his tub out, and has gotten me on my finger several times. lets go immediately and never broken the skin, but more of a warning i think. little butthole, lol. i think after more time he will calm down as well. i don't think ive ever had a hatchling leo NOT hiss at me so i think it has to do with their age as well.


New Member
South West
i only have 6 fatties, 4 females and two males. the females i got as adults and have never even been hissed at. i pick them up all the time with no issues. i got the males as young juvies and they both were little turds at first. one of the males has calmed down and now i have no issues, but the other one, he's something else. always hisses at me when i slide his tub out, and has gotten me on my finger several times. lets go immediately and never broken the skin, but more of a warning i think. little butthole, lol. i think after more time he will calm down as well. i don't think ive ever had a hatchling leo NOT hiss at me so i think it has to do with their age as well.

Ok, I think I might just stick with leos. Fat tails are pretty cute though. Thanks for your answer.


New Member
i only have 6 fatties, 4 females and two males. the females i got as adults and have never even been hissed at. i pick them up all the time with no issues. i got the males as young juvies and they both were little turds at first. one of the males has calmed down and now i have no issues, but the other one, he's something else. always hisses at me when i slide his tub out, and has gotten me on my finger several times. lets go immediately and never broken the skin, but more of a warning i think. little butthole, lol. i think after more time he will calm down as well. i don't think ive ever had a hatchling leo NOT hiss at me so i think it has to do with their age as well.

I was looking forward to getting my first fatties in a few days! :main_laugh:

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