Fatty liver disease?


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I am asking this due to plain curiosity. None of my geckos, as I know, have it, but I would like to know a few things, as I have recently gotten interested in studying diseases in reptiles and birds. Maybe anyone who has a good knowledge of herp diseases can help.
Is fatty liver disease fatal? Can it be cured once diagnosed? If so, how? For example, say a gecko got out of a waxworm addiction (once again, this did not happen to one of my geckos) and then was completely cut off of waxworms, switching to healthier foods (crickets/mealworms). Will the fatty liver simply go away as more nutritious foods are included back in the diet, or will it be there for life?

A response would be highly appreciated, and thank you for taking the time to read this.


Happy Gecko Family
I'm no expert in this; but as far as I know, fatty liver disease is fatal and cannot be cured. But when caught in the very early stages, the process can be stopped or even reversed by correcting the diet.

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