Yesterday I took a fecal sample to the small-animal hospital, and I got rejected! I have done this sooooo many times before, and suddenly, the receptionist told me that they will no longer do fecals without seeing the actual gecko! If I was able to see my vet yesterday, she wouldn've done the fecals for me no problem, as I had been emailing with her many times while I was treating my geckos for parasites. But she was too busy yesterday and I didn't have the time to wait for her to come out...:main_no:
You see, I do not drive (cars are not a neccessity here), and it takes me an hour bus trip to get to the hospital and then another hour back. I would hate to bring along my geckos all the time, the trip will be pretty stressful for them!
You see, I do not drive (cars are not a neccessity here), and it takes me an hour bus trip to get to the hospital and then another hour back. I would hate to bring along my geckos all the time, the trip will be pretty stressful for them!