What do you all do for your "special" geckos? I seem to have a hard time keeping Amelia on food. She's afraid of superworms (the thrashing when she clamps on really scares her), as well as them being too fast for her to be able to register and take aim, she can't grab onto mealworms because they're too small, and their movement isn't exaggerated enough for to noticed them most of the time anyways, crickets are too fast and she gets discouraged easily, even if i take all their legs off... She's been eating on Phoenix worms really well for a couple months (slow, exaggerated movements, and nice and fat for grabbing on to makes them very favorable to her), and absolutely loves wax worms.
Lately (the last week-ish), she hasn't been showing much interest in the Phoenix worms, and will ONLY eat the wax worms since I ran out of all other feeders, and had to split 10 or so mealies, a couple Phoenix worms (which were too small for her and she couldn't see) and 5 or 6 waxworms between my two adult geckos and my growing baby. The only thing I really had for Amelia, since the phoenix worms were too small we're three huge, fat waxworms. Since then, she's been really bad. I know her problem is a mix of being a spoiled brat and eating her waxworms, as well as being bored with her food.
So here's what I need:
-something that will not fight back in any way
-something big and blubbery
-something slow moving
-something that can be fed on a regular basis or as a staple
-somthing affordable!! (less than $3 for a decent amount, preferably)
As well as any tips on getting her to eat again. We go through this every few months, but what gets her eating always changes. It'd be nice to have a few tricks up my sleeves.
I do know that waxworms aren't a staple. She gets one or two a couple times a week to keep her weight up. She's a tad underweight, but it stays consistant, and I can't get her to eat more than she wants to. She's otherwise healthy, so it doesn't bother me too much.
Lately (the last week-ish), she hasn't been showing much interest in the Phoenix worms, and will ONLY eat the wax worms since I ran out of all other feeders, and had to split 10 or so mealies, a couple Phoenix worms (which were too small for her and she couldn't see) and 5 or 6 waxworms between my two adult geckos and my growing baby. The only thing I really had for Amelia, since the phoenix worms were too small we're three huge, fat waxworms. Since then, she's been really bad. I know her problem is a mix of being a spoiled brat and eating her waxworms, as well as being bored with her food.
So here's what I need:
-something that will not fight back in any way
-something big and blubbery
-something slow moving
-something that can be fed on a regular basis or as a staple
-somthing affordable!! (less than $3 for a decent amount, preferably)
As well as any tips on getting her to eat again. We go through this every few months, but what gets her eating always changes. It'd be nice to have a few tricks up my sleeves.
I do know that waxworms aren't a staple. She gets one or two a couple times a week to keep her weight up. She's a tad underweight, but it stays consistant, and I can't get her to eat more than she wants to. She's otherwise healthy, so it doesn't bother me too much.