Feeding AFT's pinkie mice


New Member
I have a question for you fellow AFT owners, how many of you offer your AFT's day-old pinkies for like a weekly or bi-weekly treat?

When I first ordered my WC pair the male I got the first shipment died on day two so I had to have a replacement shipped for free. During that time while I was waiting on the replacement to arrive I bought the big female a couple of days old pinkie, live, and she went right for it and gobbled it up with a smile on her face, lol. I went to get snake food Saturday and forgot that I was planning on getting the male and the female a pinkie, so I need to do that this week. I'm not sure if the male will go for it or not but I figured I'd try, I know the female will.

So how many of you guys feed your AFT's pinkies and how often?

Thanks in advance....

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
I have fed pinkies before but only during breeding season. And i give them as needed. If i see a female loosing to much weight i will offer her a pinkie. But pinkies are very fatty. So they should be offered sparingly. I know a couple of people that never feed pinkies to their geckos. Personally I like feeding pinkies but only during breeding season.

Hope this helps!



New Member
I have fed pinkies before but only during breeding season. And i give them as needed. If i see a female loosing to much weight i will offer her a pinkie. But pinkies are very fatty. So they should be offered sparingly. I know a couple of people that never feed pinkies to their geckos. Personally I like feeding pinkies but only during breeding season.

Hope this helps!


That's what I've been reading lately. When I first got my female I was told she "might" be gravid, so that's why I opted to give her the pinkie. But obviously she wasn't gravid.

And now that I've had my new male for a while they've been mating quite a bit, even during the early evening, so she really may be gravid now. The male is kinda skinny, but his tail is getting fatter, but that's why I wanted to give both of them one this week.

If you go to the AFT post where I posted pictures you can look at Mojo and see that he's quite a bit skinnier than Miami, and appears like he could use a little fattening up.

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