I just started feeding horn worms to my leos and my beardie. I want to have horn worms replace the annoying messy crickets I have been using for years. ( I am working on breeding dubia roaches to feed along with the occasional meal worms etc.)
My questions are:
1) do i really need a real plant for the moths the lay their eggs?
2) how big of a tank do the moths require to successfully breed and lay eggs?
3) is there a certain temp the eggs need to be kept at or will room temp work?
4) Can i feed the moths to my beardie, or are they too big to do so?
5) about how many eggs will a female lay before she dies?
My questions are:
1) do i really need a real plant for the moths the lay their eggs?
2) how big of a tank do the moths require to successfully breed and lay eggs?
3) is there a certain temp the eggs need to be kept at or will room temp work?
4) Can i feed the moths to my beardie, or are they too big to do so?
5) about how many eggs will a female lay before she dies?