Feeding frustration...grrr


New Member
As a fairly-new herper, I just wanted to vent a little bit...now that I am getting used to a few minor nuisances..lol.

Doesn't it bother you when your Leo "just isn't hungry" or goes "off-feed" for a week (or more)??

They are not losing weight, and they go back to eating within 7 days (except for the gravid females...they pig out when they feel like it), so I am not exactly worried....just frustrated..haha.

I am getting tired of feeding my adult males and some adult non-gravid females every 3rd day....just to have to hunt down those crickets or replace the carrot/mealworms because they didn't eat. I have even tried to wait 5-days this time: I fed them 2 hours ago, and they still haven't shown interest in eating.......so now I have to go chase down those crickets and throw them away...

They are not losing weight (measured monthly), but I sure wish they would eat when I feed them.... I am almost ready to start feeding once/week to the stubborn ones....just to see if they build an appetite after a 7-day waiting period.. grrrrrr...lol


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
That's why I've taken to feeding with tongs, or only putting one in to judge the hunger level first (reaction from a hungry gecko is totally different than reaction from one that probably isn't going to hunt). Hated to waste feeders due to contamination concerns.

But yes, annoys me when the lizards go off food and I can't determine why. >_<


Ridgewood, NJ
I do the same for my adult males and non-breeding females. I wave a roach on a pair of tongs in front of their face. If they don't instantly show interest and attack shortly after they get nothing and wait 3-4 days until I try again. Them not eating doesn't bother me one bit as long as their weight stays the same. Gravid or breeding females get the same treatment except they get mealworms in a bowl 24/7 as well whether they eat or not.

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