

New Member
We have 2 leopard geckos that are about 6 months old. They were eating constantly in the beginning and now they are both refusing to eat crickets for about a month now. We are giving them mealworms but one of the geckos keeps grabbing them in his mouth and spitting them out without eating them. Essentially he is not eating and tonight I noticed he has bubbles looking bumps under his armpits. What does that mean and what can I do?


New Member
well im far from a pro but the bubbles i hear they are calcium deposits (correct me if im wrong) i usually just cut down on calcium for a few days like 5 or 6 and they go away slowly....and my geckos slow down on eating right now due to breeding season..females are ovulating and such..but if you are really worried i would get a fecal done but if they look healthy i wouldnt worry much.


New Member
The bubbles are calcium deposits like delilah said, they're not bad but I would cut back on the calcium to be safe, you can overdose and you don't want that :)

Are they in separate vivs or in the same one? And what size(s) vivs? What are their temperatures? Low temperatures can cause their metabolism to slow down and they won't eat as much or sometimes at all. If they are in the same viv, I would separate them, as that would most likely play a big role in why they're not eating.

I wouldn't get too worried unless they start losing a lot of weight.

One thing I would MAYBE consider is parasites. How long have you had them? And did they come from the same place? If not, (just repeating this so it's not confusing... to me at least lol) are they housed together? If one developed parasites, the other would easily get them too if they are housed together.

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