Feeling Helpless



Well first of My mums ill termanly with something called FM (i aint even gonna try and spell the full name)

its when all your mucles can go into spasum including your heart and u have micro tears in them aslo

on top of this she has a conpressed spinal cord at the base that means she has hardly any feeling in the right leg

well since sunday my mum has been bed bond and i mean bed bond she cannot sit at all cannot stand or roll over without help we have to walk her every half hour to the bathroom and back which causes her to scream in pain even through 3 types of pain killers and i am a full time student and my sister works part time but is off for 2 week thank god

she keeps saying she should go to the hospital so they can give her pain killers that work but then she wont go.. i am 17 and my sister 19 we can look after our selves but she just will not go and she is causeing her self more pain by not going i dont under stand why she wont go

i cannot cope with her on my own and as soon as my sister goes back to work i will be as i am off for xmas

what if she can never walk again ???

i dont know how to tell her we cannot cope with college work and supplying full time care for her :bigcry:

i am only 17 i feel like i am letting my mum down beacuse i am not phyically or mentaly able to deal with this
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New Member
I'm sorry that your family is going through this :(

I think you should get straight to the point and tell your mom how you feel. I think that if she is being unreasonable about going to the hospital is because she doesn't realize how much she's troubling you both. It may be hard but sometimes the message won't get through otherwise. I've found that most problems with my parents solved being clear about them...

I don't know if she will be able to walk again but... If someone knows, is in the hospital. And if someone can help her, is in the hospital. You must get her there somehow...

And don't feel bad. Even a grown up adult would have a hard time with this. I think you are admirable for studying and taking care of your mom.

Best of luck to you and your family. Take care.

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

Feeling Helpless is a normal feeling to feel.

You need to contact a social organization or the hospital and see if they have Hospice Care.

Here in the States we have social groups that offer Hospice Care so I would think that you would also have such an organization in your country.

At the least, they may be able to come in on certain days to take care of your Mum. If you can obtain Hospice Care they may also be able to supply a stronger pain medication.

You Mum does not want to go to the Hospital because she is scared. And she does not want to be alone.

I hate to say it but, she will probably never walk again.

I am sorry.


I'm going to assume that your mom has fibromyalgia?

If that's the case, more than likely, she's going to need more than pain killers to get through the problems that she's having. Someone very close to me has fibromyalgia and it's been really hard on her....she doesn't have the same issue with a compressed spinal cord...but she does have various other issues making this disease a lot harder to cope with.

Tell her how you feel...that's the best thing that you can do. She needs to see some specialists....so that she can start to be on the mend...while there's no "cure" for fibromyalgia, there are things that she can do and take that can help to ease the pain of it.

Look it up online...research it and talk with her about what you find....she's not going to get better if she's just going to be too stubborn to go to the hospital...and I'm sure you know that......I would do what you can to get her to go...sounds like you care very much about her and are worried about upsetting her...but maybe that's what she needs. Sometimes it takes something drastic in order for someone to change their ways. Let her know that you're scared and are worried that you can't help her the way that she needs.

I hope that this is all figured out for you all soon! I can only imagine what a struggle you must be going through right now...not to mention the burden of seeing someone you love in so much pain! Talk with her....I hope that she's able to understand where you're coming from!!!

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