Female cresty still gravid??


New Member
I have a female cresty who has produced 3 successfull clutches of eggs from a male she used to be housed with last year. I started the breeding season early this rear when I introduced a male to her on halloween.

Since then, I have whitnessed them copulate several times, and she has been putting on alot of size. Now I know typical, females lay about 25-35 days after copulation, but I still have no eggs.... That would mean it has been at least 40 days since they first copulated. Should I be worried, or is this pretty normal?


New Member
I havent tried feeling for eggs. But she looks alot bigger than usual. Also, it stays around 70-72, which some people may say is cool, but she's laid all her other eggs this cool, (if not cooler) So I don't think it's really related, I may try feeling, but she's a pretty squirmy gecko.


New Member
tried feeling with no real success. But she is still quite large. Also caught them copulating again last night. So this make about 45 days since the first time. Any thoughts?


New Member
I am currently breeding mg cresties & I keep a journal of their behavior; eating rabbits; weight & much more. I caught mine mate 3 times & then they stopped mating & her 1st clutch came about a mon later; 2 nites after she layer I caught them mating again! (Horny little guys) lol but anyways iii they r stills mating she is probably not prego but it is possible. U should have a scale & weigh them regularly esp. Ur female. she should gain about 3-5 grams total while gravid. I notice my female gets alot wider but I deffinately could not feel any eggs. Each crestie is different. Another thing I wanna add is that when I 1st started breeding I would spy on them all the time & they do not like lite & seeing you watch them so sometimes they would stop. Also, when I knew she was getting close to laying her 1st clutch I would spy with my phone light... she dug & buried herself 4 about 3 weeks the 1st time till she finally laid but before that when shed see the light or catch me looking in she sstopped. So what I am saying is, they do not like light at nite, it confuses them & well; wouldn't u stop having sex if your parents walked in on you? So anyways I would suggest a scale asap & just let them do their thing. Do u have a lay box or live substrate: I had live so every morning I would check any spots where I could tell she was digging & when I found no eggs I would smooth the ground back out so I could see every day where she dug. She even completely submerged herself a couple times shortly before. As I notice from my handy journal, she never woke up & active until 11 & even later if I accidentally left the cage lite on too late, but anyways, after days of digging in the middle of the nite I I caught her completely submerged at 6 pm with the day lite on & who knows how long she had been like that before I caught her. So I just knew it! But I couldn't get the eggs till late the next afternoon because both my male & female kept near them just watching for so long but eventually I got them! So let nature run kits course & keep track of their behavior & weight, that esp. While she is gravid. This will also help you to kno what to expect from then on while breeding & so fourth. Let them be! He may not finish cuz u freak him out by creeping & she could potentially with hold eggs bc she is stressed out. Also if she keeps them for so long they can fuse together making it very difficult if not impossible to lay. Not trying to scare you just think you should do more research & let nature takeits course :) mesg me with any more questions. Hope this helps! Let me kno how it goes! Oh & 1 more thing u can get a jewelry or tobacco scale for about $20 just make sure its digital & weighs in grams so u can get exact weight. Its sooooo important!!2 :eek:


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
It isnt always by the book...lol

There are times when it may take a few months before the first clutch arrives, it happens when it happens. Most often yest they will lay around 35-45 days later however it is not unheard of for it to happen 60 days later. Her body just was not ready yet.

But on top of things you are attempting to breed in the off season, which her body does know that. 70-72 is low however not unheard of for breeding temps. But that low of temps may be what is causing her slow process of egg production. Yo can try bumping her temps up however you now have this whole issue of attempting to cool in what would then be the breeding season (hope you like your house cool lol).

In short, just give it time, I have been working with these guys for a long time and each season I still get a surprise. Give it time and if she is ready, she will lay.

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