Okay so we have had these geckos that we bought about a year ago. One male and One female. I have done so much research and talked to many people about it and was leary on having them together, as i know u should have more females than males. BUT the previous owner had them together since birth and they had been great cage mates. So we separated them at first and they seemed very lonely and bored, almost "depressed" like. so we put them back together and they both perked up. They were great together for the year we've had them. One day we watched the female bite the males tail off and then eat it. We immediately set up a hospital tank for him and tried to nurture him back to health. None of the vets in our area deal much with reptiles and didn't know much about their care. Mind you, they were both in Great health before the incident. He seemed to be healing well and acted pretty normal. Three weeks later, we found him dead. Was wondering if the tail loss was what killed him, why SHE did it?, and if anyone else has experienced anything like this?