female going dormant already?


New Member
my female is usually very active during evening and morning as she should be, but recently, after i changed her infrared light to a heating pad, which is reaching correct temps, she has been sleeping alot. she stays in her laying box 95% of the time no matter what side of the tank it is on, ive switched sides a couple times and she always favors that specific hide, and comes out in the middle of the night when im sleeping and eats, thats it. she layed a clutch about a month and a half ago and they have since hatched, but im wondering if she is going to lay, or she is just going into that colder weather state and she wont lay again. about the same time i switched her heating source, my area has been getting cooler nights and ive been leaving my window open so the temp deff drops at night, but nothing too extreme for the geckos. does anyone think the night temps could have put her into this state?


New Member
Glendale, AZ
First of all, Leos are nocturnal, or rather... i think its crepuscular? Meaning they are most active during the dawn and dusk hours. Most leopard geckos you will not see very active during the day, but then again, it differentiates from leo to leo. I had two girls that were always out during the day, walking around and checking things out and watching me. The rest of mine always stay sleeping and "hidden" till evening/nighttime.

Secondly, you have an under tank heater right? Is it controlled by a rheostat/thermostat/dimmer switch and set to correct FLOOR temps(90-95*F.It should be on all the time). If so, then as long as your room doesn't get TOO cold at night, then they should be fine. If you're really that worried about it, what I do(I have all glass terrariums with screen lids) is throw a towel over the tops of every cage with an inch or two of the screen exposed for ventilation. It may or may not help with temperature TOO much, but i like to think it helps keep the air temp in the warm hides above the UTH up a bit more since heat rises, and it also keeps the breeze from my fans and the AC vents from blowing directly on/into the tanks.


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