Female going to lay eggs?



I have a female leo that is about 57 grams, and i have noticed that she looks noticeably bigger in the belly. Yesterday I noticed my male that I have in the tank with her was licking his vent area and it makes me wonder if he mated with her. Also, today I noticed my female eating a good amount of calcium powder from her dish. This all probably means that she is gravid or close to it. I just wanted to get other people's opinions before I set up my incubator.

P.S. If this is the case, then it will be her second clutch. Last breeding season she laid an infertile clutch:( , but i will cross my fingers and hope that this will be a fertile batch so I can have some baby geckos of my own:main_thumbsup: .


It's a little hard for me to tell right now, but maybe in a couple days it will be easier to notice. But if I had to guess, I would say she is gravid. I will see if I can get a picture to post though.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
It's difficult to tell in the photos if she's gravid, but I can almost bet she is ovulating by the looks of the large, round, pinkish areas in her abdomen.


Thanks Marcia, I decided I'll set up the incubator now. You can never be ready too early.

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