i have a gravid female, the eggs can clearly be seen through her belly, but she is obsessed with hiding under the reptile carpet. i even cut another square piece specifically for her to hide under, but its not good enough, she wants to be between the carpet and the bottom glass. i secured the carpet so she couldnt get under it and 20 minutes later i saw her trying to viciously rip it up with her mouth and front feet, so i let her under so she didnt hurt or stress herself. she has no interest in the moist hides or laying box, i have two moist hides because the male hogs one, but she'll stick her head in, turn around, and continue trying to get under the carpet. what am i supposed to do? will she lay her eggs under there? and what if she does?? will the eggs survive? should i move her to another tank separately with no carpet and just a laying box so she is forced to take an interest?