Female Leopard Gecko Won't Eat


New Member
Lakeland, Florida, United States
Hello all, so I've noticed that my female leopard gecko has stopped eating but she's still pretty fat so it doesn't seem like she's losing weight yet. I have another gecko, but they're separated. My female hasn't ate in at least a week, maybe two, and has now stopped passing anything but the water she's drinking (so just pee, no poop). I just recently switched my geckos from being on newspaper to being on tile before she stopped eating, maybe a week before. I'm not sure if that is just a coincidence or not.
She has a basic setup with 3 hides (a warm, cool, and a humid), a water bowl away from the heat lamp I set on top of the terrarium, and a small food bowl that I put her meal worms in. She gets crickets every now and then and absolutely loves them. Thinking maybe she was just tired of the worms I got crickets for her but they've gone untouched also. Other than not eating I haven't noticed anything else, she looks normal and has been acting normal, though she has seemed restless almost by walking around more often than normal during the day.
Something similar to this has happen before though, about last winter I think. She stopped eating and started losing weight, she ended up throwing up some worms she tried to eat and that's when I took her to the vet. I never found out what it was because she just eventually started eating again and was fine. I did give my vet a fecal sample and it was clean, but that was also after she started eating again so I figured it there was something it was gone by then.
So any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I'm not sure if I should take her to the vet or not but if she doesn't eat soon I don't think I'll have much of a choice.
Thanks, Megan


New Member
How old is she and what is her weight at?

Given the time of year, she is likely just ovulating, as many females will go off food when doing so.


New Member
Lakeland, Florida, United States
That's what I was wondering about, I don't know much about females and my vet suggested that last time too. I'm not 100% sure about her age but I've had her for 2 years and she was a baby when I got her, just a few inches long. As for her weight she's about 70 grams, which I think that's a bit overweight.


New Member
I have plenty of females in a similar age/weight range. She is likely fine. While she's ovulating, she will eat less frequently, which is typical. If she becomes gravid and starts laying eggs (which they can do regardless of whether they've been paired with a male), she will likely feast on food right after each clutch of eggs she may lay.

Only reason to become concerned is if she starts rapidly declining in weight :)

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