Female Leopard Geckos


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
I have 3 female leopard geckos available for sale. 2 are TangerineXFasciolatus crosses and are breeding weight or very close to breeding weight and possibly ovulating they were hatched in July 2009. 1 is a Hypo Tangerine from Masterpiece Geckos shes near breeding but naturally a small gecko Est Hatch date early 2008. All three eat superworms and should take crickets too and possibly roaches. The tangerine is slightly a picky eater/shy eater. I will post pictures and weights later today.

Price individually 40.00 plus shipping
Group price 100.00 plus shipping

Shipping starts at 30.00 and is done by UPS

These are nice geckos just I want to lighten my load a little bit of extra geckos.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL

Well looks like shes a Super Hypo Tangerine. From Masterpiece I got her in early 2008 so I am guessing she was hatched in early 08. She weighs 54grams never been bred and is not ovulating right now. I would love to pair her to my best tang male but shes not ovulating right now and personally i rather have the room for better tangs that i may hatch out this year. shes also super sweet and very calm.


Tangxfasciolatus cross. Hatched by me in july of 2009 weighs 52grams and eats like a horse. Planned on keeping them all my tangxfascio crosses but im letting 2 go, Shes half way calm with more handling will become very calm.


Tangxfasciolatus cross. Hatched by me in july of 2009 weighs 54grams and eats like a horse. Planned on keeping them all my tangxfascio crosses but im letting 2 go, Shes half way calm with more handling will become very calm.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
Tangxfascio crosses take them for 30.00 each and Super Hypo Tangerine for 35.00
Shipping not included.

Group Price 90.00 plus shipping

Would like these sold but if they don't I will just get them ovulating and breed them myself.

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