Female Prep


New Member
Bay Area, CA
So what do you guys do when you are planning on breeding? I understand that they must be a certain weight and that they need extra calcium. So, do you just make sure they are that weight and provide said calcium or do you try to pump them up full of food prior too babies? Is there any special food you give them.... maybe extra wax worms for some fat? I guess there has been no "superfood" bug found with geckos yet right? I know in some human societies specific foods are considered a must for about to impregnate or pregnant females so just wondering if there is anything like that for geckos (organ meats for humans... if it's not full of environmental chemicals its almost like a multivitamin and has some less common nutrients).


New Member
Feed them healthy & nutritious, well gut-loaded, well dusted feeders and they'll be fine. I have a petite female that just laid 2 good sized eggs. She ate like a pig until a week ago, and she didn't lose any weight. I fed her primarily dubia roaches & superworms.


New Member
Clearwater, FL
This is what I am going to do. I am going to feed them every day instead of every other day or every third day like I am doing now. I am also going to dust them every feeding. I always keep calcium w/o D3 in their tanks so that wont change. Just make sure they are a good weight before breeding (I am making mine wait until they are 55-60g) and make sure they are getting enough calcium and well gutloaded feeders.

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