My Female leo wont breed keeps fighting the males away ive tried with 3 different males and she is ovulating and it will be her first time. any thoughts?
I am having the same issue with one of my females....The only thing you can try is whats called the papertowel trick. Put some paper towel that has been in with your male into your females tank/hide for a few days before putting her with him. It gets her use to his sent and copulation should happen faster/easier. I tried this and have had no luck. The only other thing i didn't do was put my females through a cooling period before breeding. Giving them cool temps for a month or two and then bringing temperatures back up simulates the seasons and will bring on ovulation/breeding when temps are raised. My female has been ovulating for months now and won't allow any male near her. GOOD LUCK!!
One of our females did that as well. The male was so much bigger than she was and she was fighting him so hard I literally thought he might have killed her. We took him out of the tank and let her stay in there for a couple of days with his scent and then put him back in there. Now they have more babies than any of our others we have paired.