Females attacking females... Why?!


New Member
I have 3 females and when I introduce one to another, one will automatically go crazy and attack quite violently. I guess this is a way to say HERE IS MY PLACE? I made a video while this was happening. If I don't separate them it will go on I guess. The attacker bite me strongly in an attempt to separate them (not in video as you see)!

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Ridgewood, NJ
Geckos are territorial. If you're putting one in the other's cage its fairly common for them to fight. Even if it's a totally new cage they may fight as some females are more aggressive than others. If you think about it from an ecological perspective, more geckos in an area equals fewer resources for any one gecko so its kind of natural that they would want to keep other females away so they can gobble all the bugs they want.

SC Geckos

New Member
They should be housed separately. Geckos for the most part are solitary animals. While some may tolerate each other others will not. Also if you females are males this can happen.
Last I would strongly suggest removing the wood chip substrate and housing them on something that is more suited for leopard geckos like paper towels, news paper, or tile. Wood chips are a terrible option because they can cause injury to the geckos soft skin and smaller pieces could get eaten causing digestive issues.


New Member
If you ever have to house females together for whatever reason, it is always a good idea to completely rearrange the tank before introduction so the territorial claims are disrupted. When I moved I needed to limit my tanks and my females always got along we outside of the tank during "playtime" so when I started housing them together I made up a new tank for them that had hides from both their previous tanks as well as completely new ones.

In your situation, it is obvious they don't get along and should never be near each other. This DOES happen with females too, not just makes. My 4th female is TERRIFIED of any other gecko, even though she is much larger than the others. I know that she will never be able to have a cage mate, or be comfortable interacting with other animals.

The key to being a good owner is knowing you animals. That includes their needs, likes, dislikes, body language, and limits. Don't ever push them. Don't force them into uncomfortable situations. Always make them as comfortable as possible and you'll be able to enjoy a long lifespan with them :)


New Member
"it is always a good idea to completely rearrange the tank before introduction so the territorial claims are disrupted" sounds like a good idea... but i'm afraid i understood something : the only way to be sure females will tolerate each other is having them growing together from young age. shouldn't buy different female from different places if want to keep them together. that's it!

SC Geckos i agree that woodchips are crap, though not for the same reason : gecko won't be hurt by them unless they fell on it from quite high, which can't happen in my setup and about eating it : they're too big. why i start really dislike woodchip is cause parasite seems to come quickly and hide in it. now i started changing first cage already, it looks great:



Ridgewood, NJ
IMO buying females at a young age and raising them together may prevent territoriality but is no guarantee they will always tolerate each other. Squabbles can arise over hiding places, food, or other things as they geckos grow or as the seasons change. I've had breeding groups together for months only for one gecko to attack another for seemingly no reason. It really depends on the individual geckos and how tolerant and laid back they are. Some will cause a problem no matter what and some will be totally okay no matter what but you just never know so keeping them together is always more of a risk than keeping them separately.

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