Females ovulating but i don't want to breed yet.


New Member
flemington nj
Hey everyone, my females are 52.8g and 50.8g they are ovulating but i am not ready to breed them yet since i have not fully read up on breeding plus i have non of the supplies needed, nor the financials yet. i plan on breeding the 2017 year after i learn more and pick up what i need. anyway my question's are this, i know during the breeding season they will eat less or just stop eating period but since i am not going to breed them, anything i need to worry about with the females? will they end up laying slugs or nothing at all? Will they stop eating for the next few months or will their appetite pick back up in a week or 2? The males, do they need to release their sperm sacks at all or they will be just fine? Im just unsure to when to reoffer food again.

kinda trying to find the what to guide when you dont breed your geckos detailed guide. everything i find is what to do when you decide to breed, im looking for the opposite.

thanks for the help!

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
You don't need to do anything specific, just care as usual. They may lay slugs, but I've never had females I didn't breed do that. As for offering food, I continue to offer food throughout the season to my non-breeding females. I just make sure to remove it if they don't eat it.

Some females eat fine when ovulating, others don't eat at all, and still others only eat a little. I have one female that hasn't stopped eating even though she's on her way through her second clutch. And then I have another female that has stopped eating even though she isn't even ovulating yet. So it really just depends on the individual. Still continue to offer food, though.

The males will be fine, they don't need to do anything special. Just continue to feed like normal. =) I find that one of my males is more restless than normal, but that's likely because his tub is near a couple of females' tubs.

It's always a good idea to monitor weight during the period they don't eat, just to make sure they aren't dropping too quickly. But honestly at 52 and 50 g, I don't think you have anything to worry about.


New Member
flemington nj
alright im just worried, i kinda took them in in jan, since i have had em, i got one back into good health(i rescued this one from a bad owner), and the other 3 were perfectly fine. the large male i got was 85g and now is down to 81.5g. hes lost 3.5g since i got him in jan and he has not eaten much if any at all recently or really since i got him, the one i rescued who is the other male ate like a monster until 2 weeks ago and he just stopped, the females have been picky eating here and there, but they have stopped as well.

but alright i will just offer them food and monitor weight for now.

thanks for the advice!

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