Females Visible to Males


New Member
New York, Long Island
Hey guys do you think it makes any difference if the male is able to see the female prior to breeding, I know they can see each other from the clear tubs for sure. I tried separating them this year to see if it makes any kind of impact when I re-introduce them when its time to breed. Maybe they will be more willing to get it on!! :D Let me know what you guys think!


New Member
Southern New Hampshire
I personally house all my geckos individually and wait for the female to be noticeably ovulating and then introude the female to the males enclosure. I then watch there behavior and they usually will breed within the first few minutes. If I notice they show no interest or seem to start stressing I remove them immidetely. So no I dont let them see each other prior to breeding and I never have. Hope that helps. Check us out on facebook! Delaney's Geckos | Facebook

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