fertile or infertile eggs?


New Member
I have a couple of females who laid some eggs. One gal laid 2 about a week ago and they other gal laid one egg 2 days ago. The first gal laid 2 and they are stuck together despite my gentle attempt at separating them. They candle yellow BUT each egg has a giant red circle with a red dot in the middle of the circle. It looks like a target. Is this a pretty good sign that they are fertile even though the rest of the egg shines yellow? In fact, the other gal laid one egg and it looks the exact same way. This gal is a proven breeder for me and she has a new boyfriend. Her last boy didn't seem to work out in the breeding department with her. Her first boyfriend (along time ago) and she successfully hatched 3 beautiful babies so I know she has what it takes. I just do not recall the target looking vessels in the last successful eggs.
I am hopeful that they are fertile. ???

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