Few More Questions - Getting Closer :D!


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I'll be getting my new Leo within the next two months or a few weeks before I graduate in May and I'm very excited! I've done all my research and I've gotten the majority of my questions answered. Here are some of the remaining questions I have until I get my leo:

When my house gets cold, will I need both a UTH and a red heat lamp or will either be okay by itself and does it matter which type of heating I use? Can the heat on the warm side of the tank add heat to the cool side? My house can get as low as 55°F in the colder months. I live in Ohio.

I plan on getting a 10 gallon aquarium if that helps (20 x 10 x 12).


Animal Addict
Where I live, it gets pretty cold in the winter. This is what I did, and it keeps my Leo warm and happy. I have an 8 watt uth on my hot side, and a 6 or 7 watt in the middle. It created a hot side, warm side, and a cool side. Without the middle one, the thermal gradient was low. In the late spring and summer, I can just unplug the middle one. I hope o helped!


New Member
Just be sure that when you graduate that your little gecko gets to go with you and not tossed aside like some people do>.< as for heating i like in MN so we get pretty coldXD I have the UTH going at all times, I turn the thermostat up to 95, and if its not warm enough i turn on there 30watt light bulbs for a short time. But the lights are seldom. the UTH really do there jobs. As long as you have a hide over the UTH the gecko can either be nice and warm or go out and be slightly cooler or cooler all together depending on where it goes.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
Trust me when I graduate, the little guy or gal is coming with me ^-^. I plan on going to a community college so that way I can stay home until I find some good apartments and a nice job. I don't think I'll be leaving home until I'm a little older though. My parents always say to stay home as long as you can :) . Thanks you guys ^-^


New Member
Trust me when I graduate, the little guy or gal is coming with me ^-^. I plan on going to a community college so that way I can stay home until I find some good apartments and a nice job. I don't think I'll be leaving home until I'm a little older though. My parents always say to stay home as long as you can :) . Thanks you guys ^-^

No problem and good to hear. Its so sad going on craigslist or something and seeing "needs to go kid went to collage" D: I got 2 rescues who have MBD(one had a eye infection and her tail ripped off on PERPUSE and the other was dropped and broke her front legs and jaw) off there cause there "human" went to college and there younger siblings were taken care of them... Parents go sick of them and put them outside. If they hadnt seen my add to take in any they'd have let them die(they falt out said that when i got there...) So good for you for taking it with ya! Also a tip if you get a baby keep the temps slightly higher then you would a adult;D makes them grow great, eat well, and look great!


Animal Addict
Bless your soul Reborn. Could you post some pictures of your recused pets in a new thread?

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