Finally fertile eggs!


New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
Witnessed my male raptor het blizzard bred to my female blizzard 2 weeks later after having her lay a infertile clutch, she laid some good healthy looking eggs! She laid them two days ago and already bred to my raptor again. I also have a female tangerine about to lay some eggs too, also bred to the same male!

For some reason though my tangerine is holding her eggs longer then my blizzard did and she was bred 3 days before. Anyone know why she is waiting?

Anyways, eggs are in the incubator, I'm using vermiculite 1:1 ratio and also a separate container with perlite 1:0.8 raito. I'm just testing to see what works best.


New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
I wouldn't say risk. Trying a whole new substrate might be risky, but I've hatched babies out of vermiculite never tried perlite, but with all hype I just had to see what it's all about. It's been 3 days and the eggs look great. We'll see what happens.

If all else fails I just put the egg in the substrate that's doing the best.

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