Milwaukee Reptiles

Gecko Addict
Milwaukee, WI
It's finally starting to settle down around here. The last two months or so have been INSANE. I've lost two grandparents, graduated from college, and started a full time job. Reptiles Magazine contacted me and wants to run an article I wrote about leopard geckos a while back in a freshman year english class, which is kind of cool. In addition I'm starting to get ready to move again... it's been just crazy around here.

Anyway, I just wanted to say now that school is done and things are finally settling down, I can start catching up on the HUGE pile of work I still have to do (sorry if you're one of the people!) that I haven't touched for the last month and half... it's just been too crazy. It's nice to come home and not have 4 thousand things to do. Anyway, just wanted to hi, I'm back again, and I hope to be around a lot more again.


New Member
Sorry you have been going through so much the past two months. Sorry about the loss of your grand parents.
It's really cool about the article. Let us know when it is out so I can pick up a copy.
Welcome back hope things settle down for ya!

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Brian, I'm glad things are starting to settle down. I am very sorry about your grandparents, but on the up-side... CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!!!

Milwaukee Reptiles

Gecko Addict
Milwaukee, WI
Thanks guys. Reptiles told me it was going to be in this year's Reptiles Annual USA issue, but I'm pretty sure that's already out. They just contacted me last week so I'd assume it's for an issue a few months away (granted, I wrote it over 3 years ago...)

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