finding a lost gecko



we lost our fat tailed gecko somewhere in the house. any advice on how to lure him out or how to best find him. he is a baby, about 6 months old and about 5". Thanks.


New Member
surrey bc canada
( we are going through the same right now after a bad babysitter , kinda starting to think she took him) but here is what we have been doing.
1st we pulled apart the house meaning looking under beds, shelves, couches, dressers ect.
2nd we put out numerous hides any little box we could make one outta we used, we put water dishes out near the hides thats most likely what your little guy will be needing. we also put a few food dishes out with mealies just e sure to count them so you can see if he is eating. we dusted the ground around the water with flour at 1st to see if he comes but people kept spillin the water and it made glue on my floor so we dust with calcium powder just a tad to see any tracks.
be sure to check things he can climb curtains ect and someone said they found theres curled up in there laundry keeping warm. another lady said she lost hers as a hatchling and it came back like 3 months later healthy and fat.
I have cats so kinda thinking she is gone but we had no sign of her from the begining so kinda thinking the babysitter took her or she had someone over who did , hope you find yours and soon. keep us posted

ps seen you said fat tail i dont know about them if they climb walls or anything we have leos, hope some of this is the same with fattails
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Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
they can fit in surprisingly small spaces, and in my experiences fat tails go *down*. so look on the floor, under everything. i had one escape and i found it under a toilet plunger in the bathroom. i have no idea how it even got under it.


New Member
Put down some mouse glue pads and check them frequently. Once you catch your gecko use vegitable oil to get her free. I've done this several times ( not trying to catch my geckos but mice) and its worked well without a mishap. I'd also put the cats on lock down until you find him. good luck!


New Member
surrey bc canada
I have worked in a vets office and seen snakes get stuck on this glue pad with very bad outcomes , and in the ones not so bad still saw skin tearing and such , Its just running a risk if you dont find your gecko soon after they get stuck and they panick and cause harm to themselves, plus there toes are so tiny and fragile id be worried of damage this would be at your own risk I personally wouldnt go this route.


We found him -- thanks

Thanks to all of you for your advice. We tried a number of things but what seemed to work was making hides out of shoe boxes -- cutting out entrances, filling the box with damp paper towels and putting a few mealworms in. My 8 year old daughter is very relieved to have Jo Jo back.

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